Hey this is an English board!
I just figured it would be more likely to get done if other users backed me up, and at the same time (seriously) a chance to expose some new xbmc users to VC. Many XBMC users have still not noticed VC! I suspect that there are many that will want it when they see it, but I don't like to go posting in other forums without good reason, because people will get mad at me!
^^ i'll support you on the xbmc for sure, just post here or PM me with the link on the xbmc forum when you do.
From a marketing point of view, I think (and I know you're busy doing that) you need to know 2-3 good microphones that work well with VC.
1 open air, one headset and Amulet
and then you can package that, not that you're gonna sell mics but what good is Voice software if there is no good microphone at a normal cost for people to use it in imo 3 important scenario's
1. Open air as mentioned before, enter a room and command
2. Personal, descrete use like with a headset
3. where you are in your sofa watching XBMC and want to just say stuff, but everyone has gone to bed and you don't want to talk much, aka the amulet remote
If you could somehow pre-researched this and just say here is VOX and ooh btw these are well tested mics for a reasonable price that work nicely with vox then people might not see this as a startrek gadget but as an actual all-round out of the box solution, granted they still have to buy a mic but you would have helped them search for one then already in a way. Maybe it's just me but in general consumers are LAZY, they want to buy stuff that works and not buy 50% and have to search themselves for the other 50 if you catch my drift.
Dunno if I explained what I wanted to tell you right, but I hope you catch the idea and by no means should you takes this any other way as my personal opinion.
PS : tend to go offtopic and still it feels on topic, meh :p