Hello James,
you are the programmer from VoxCommando, rigth? How did you get the idea?
And now my 2nd question .
It is difficult to use VoxCommando and the windows speech recognition at the same time? With VoxCommando it`s not possible to dictate words but with the windows spech recognition it`s possible. When we can use Vox and windows SR in the same time, we could use all functions of the generally speech recognition.
You know what i mean?
Kind Regards
I don't remember exactly, how I got started on this project. I do remember that I was frustrated wtih windows speech recognition because it did not do what I wanted, and also it was always doing things that I did not want it to do. I wanted to be able to turn off the commands that I did not use, but Windows speech recognition would not let me do that. Also at the time, I was playing with EventGhost, and I had just started writing my first c# program in Visual Studio, so I was looking for new ideas to try.
You can run VC and WSR at the same time. It will work, but I don't know how easy it will be.
VoxCommando does let you do dictation! You just need to use a payloadDictation (book icon) in your command.
If you are doing a long dictation like writing a letter, or a book , then WSR makes more sense because it gives you more tools to edit and correct mistakes.
If you want to be able to do a google search or enter text into a form, then you can use VoxCommando's payload dictation. The accuracy will be the same as WSR.
To do dictation you just need to create a command in SendKeys... group add phrase "keyword" and then add the payloadDictation. You would need to issue the command as one like this:
"keyword dear john how are you today"
"keyword it was nice seeing you and the kids yesterday"
to do a web search you would put a payloadDictation into a Launch... group command as the parameter.