Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), my wife and I both get high % using the same profile. We have very basic english accents I guess. In any case, it is not likely that I will be able to get her to test it over and over in the process of troubleshooting and debugging!
OK. I have an idea of how I can test this, but I will need help from my loyal users. If I upload a list of commands in English. Would someone be willing to create a recording and send it back to me? I can then use the recording to train a profile, and then later I can use the recording again to test the profile to make sure that VoxCommando is switching to it properly.
For this to work I will need:
- Someone who can read the english, but who has a pretty strong accent. (could be German, French, Portuguese or whatever)
- Good quality recording (preferably using a headset) in a quiet room
- a wav file. I prefer if you can record and save directly to wav format to avoid any compression from mp3 or wma formats.
- you should pause for about 3-4 seconds between each command, but it is ok to put them all together in a single .wav file.
If anyone is interested and willing to do this, let me know and I will put together a script for you to read.