after a lot of testing, I deleted everything and tried again. At first I was getting an error about "utterance conflict detected", it wouldn't let me use the word "off" as an utterance so I removed that from the list and the error went away. I was then able to test the skill and I'm now getting the event to show up in VoxCommando!
with the short amount of testing that I've done so far I have found several words that wouldn't work to begin with so I had to add them to the utterance list. the word that I haven't gotten to work so far is "please" for example is I say "Lights Please" the event only shows "Lights" for some reason Alexa doesn't want to pass that with the event (not a big problem, I'll just need to make some changes in VC)
as for the invocation words I tried
"jarvis jarvis" and
"ironman ironman" both required me to say
"Alexa tell jarvis jarvis play" or
"Alexa tell ironman ironman play". so I thought I would see if it would let me get a way with one invocation word
"jarvis", there is an error under the field that says "
Invocation name must be at least 2 words." but I pressed "Save Model" button at the top of the page and then pressed Build model. I didn't receive any errors on build, but the error is still present under the invocation words field. I can now say
"Alex tell jarvis play" and it works
I used the original node.js code from the tutorial and node.js version 16.
I'll be doing more testing on words and phrase to find what words need to be added to the utterance list but this is a great start in the right direction
Thank you, you guys are always a huge help. (especially because it seems I messed something up the first time around