1 - Are you able to enter the channel numbers on your regular PC keyboard in order to navigate the guide, and do you then need to press enter to select that channel?
A: when on the TV guide if I simply press a number on a numpad, keyboard, or the remote, a box pops up and the numbers are entered into it. Once enter is pressed the box disappears and that channel number selected is moved to.
2 - What is the range of valid channel numbers on your system?
A: I simply need 0 > 9 as you would have on a keyboard so I could call any combination of numbers such as “got to channel 1 0 2” for example.
3 - Do you want to play the channel right away or just highlight / select it?
A: I simply just seek to be able to emulate entering numbers. I tried using XJson.Btn.KB but this does not do sole numbers, it is like a multi tap. Also I did not know how to make it so it knew what to send as I assume many if statements would be required?
I hope this helps somewhat and thank you for trying to help me out – I appreciate it.