Here is version 2.0 prototype (not related to VOX new version in beta). It provides a nested command structure to minimize false positives. It also has a simple "What can I say" at each menu level.
Vox Commando primarily serves as my "Audio Out" for Vera, either playing wav files or text to speech message like "Outdoor Perimeter Alert, Motion Detected at the Front Door".
Occasionally, I play with my "Audio In" to, and trying to match it to a known voice computer persona Star Trek.
* Security (non functional)
* Tactical
** Red Alert - Vera based scenes to dim all lights to 1%, except 12 Hue lights which get set to red.
** Fire Phasers - Trigger Backyard Sprinklers to Scare Racoon.
** Shields Up - Lock All Doors, Lower All Blinds
* Sensors
** Weather
** Temperature
** Goto Camera (not working as Vox WMC implementation is not working for certain circumstances when file paths are used.
* Information Access
** Date Time
** Note - Time plays every hour from Startup group
* Operations
** Vera commands to turn on/dim/off lights, run room or whole house scenes (like bedtime or party mode), and raise lower blinds.
* Holodeck (Video/Audio)
** Windows Media Center Controls
** Music Play by Artist
* What can I say
* Main Menu
Thing yet to energize:
* Protect the Security Menu with voice password (to disarm alarm system when tripped from Vera)
* Figure out Skype to call a limited contacts landlines or mobile (10 family + 4-5 local delivery services). Haven't installed Skype on this PC yet. Will use "hail contact" and "Incoming hail from contact"
* Wait patiently for someone to build of JitterJames work on reminders protype be able to set a reminder for a specific time (assumes today), or a date in the future. There should also be an important reminder glag that requires voice confirmation of receipt of a reminder.
* Wait patiently for a Media Browser plugin so I can play TV (or specific subset like unmatched comedies or seasons) or movies by name.
PS - Search and replace C:\Vox\Wav with your path in voicecommands.xml. Current WAV files here: