Ok, a payload.xml can contain phrases and values or only values, depends on what you need.
1. create a command group and give it a name e.g. "relationship"
2. create in this group a command and give it a name
3. open the command and create a logic block that use
IF (A)contains(B) -> {LastSpoken} for
A and mothers for
B ->
THEN ->TTS.SpeakSync {1}, are your cousins on your mothers side
ELSE -> TTS.SpeakSync {1}, are your cousins on your fathers side
4. create a phrase for the command -> my cousins on my
5. create among them a namesPayload.xml with
phrase -
mothers side and as
value the names separated by a comma like
mike, jonny, james, bruce this is what VC give back in the {1} then a second line with
phrase -
fathers side and also as
value the names separated by a comma and save it.
When you ask VC: Who are my cousins on my mothers side - the logic block check the last spoken and if contains the word mothers it speak the names that is stored as value in the payload for mother side.
Everything is theorie, I'm not at home so I can't test this command, but I hope it will work.