Actually it was deprecated quite a long time ago (i.e. the http api is no longer supported in any way and no longer gets any updates or bug fixes), but we have been assured that support for access to the http api will not be removed any time soon. Actually we were told that it would NEVER be removed but I don't actually believe that.
JSON in XBMC is cumbersome and is going to make genXML a giant PITA. It is also missing a lot of the features that we use all the time, so I am still waiting. The way I see it there is no rush. HTTP api is not going to disappear overnight. Worst case scenario we will be in a situation where we cannot upgrade to the latest nightlies of XBMC because they have removed the http api. At that point, I will give it some serious thought.
For the time being I still consider this a low priority. It is certainly not something I have forgotten about, and it will happen one day.
If I did slap together something quick and dirty, it would probably not be representative of what we would actually end up with in the long run.