Here's the next generation...
- Most notable is the ability now to open multiple commands at once and drag actions between the LCB windows. Use control-click and drag to copy actions.
- Added eventGhost commands to a switch to a new UDP port and/or IP address in case you want to talk to eventGhost on different computers.
- Added option to minimize to notification area on close (if you click the X in the top right). This option is set under the "Advanced" tab.
- VC will now detect if it is already running and should not open another instance of itself. If you need to open a second VC at the same time for some reason you can add the command line parameter: -new
- In the case that VC is already running you can now send it commands via the command line parameter. This should work almost exactly the same way as using udpsender.exe
For example, if VC is already running you can turn it to "on" mode with this:
VoxCommando.exe -33000 "VC.On"
or to emulate speaking:
VoxCommando.exe -33000 "vc.tellvox&&play artist david bowie"
-The latest versions of all plugins are included. (I think