This is very cool. Kalle, do you know if this works even when you are playing 5.1 digital direct to the receiver with DTS or AC3? I thought that in this mode the stream was being sent "pure" and could not be modified. If it does work does it replace the channel you choose, or mix the TTS into the existing audio for that channel?
I don't see how this could help shango though, the TTS will still be too quiet.
Yes, that is a cool thing, and a new feature to use it with home theatre systems. That is the same as the MS-Soundmapper, if you setup your speakersytem on PC (choose speaker headphone, stereo, 5.1 and so on), in there is a test button, which redirects the audio output to different channels (a voice said: "front left" - "front right" ....).
The settings in VAC is very easy,when you want the TTS-voice come out on a specific channel on your system (like, only at the front center box), you must set in VAC repeater channel settings to "custom" with " 1 channel" and mark the channel-checkbox "FC" to use the "front center" channel. VAC route the TTS-voice to this channel, when you have select in VAC a output that can use this channel (digital-output). I have this tested with stereo on my office pc (tts voice to left or right channel) and it works.
The TTS ouput in VC TTS-Settings ->advanced must set to Line1(VAC)
shango can use the separately volume control for VAC to adjust the tts voice volume. The tts volume from VAC ist very loud, so I must adjust the VAC volume to 15%