Author Topic: version 0.887b  (Read 12556 times)

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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2011, 09:32:33 PM »
This program just keeps getting better.  Hats off to you James!


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2011, 09:58:27 PM »
thank-you  :D

It seems like it has been very quiet around here lately, so it's nice to hear.  It helps a lot that I have such patient beta testers and faithful supporters.

I'm pretty excited about 0.888. I am finally doing some checking when you edit the command tree to see which groups have changed, and then only rebuilding for those groups.  Restarting after making edits will be nice and fast now (which I like since I edit a lot), unless you edit a group that has a big command in it, like "Play song ABC".

Restarting after genXML will take a while still, because it means rebuilding all the big groups.  :(  And if you change your prefix this will also require a full rebuild, but the multi-threading helps with that.  I actually need to do some testing to see how much faster the new version is compared to the older ones.

I have been daydreaming about strategies for dealing with really immense music libraries.  I have some ideas but they all have drawbacks.  Maybe something will come of it eventually.  In the mean time I am trying to find ways to make it easier for people to exclude music they don't need voice control for.  Right now I'm looking at having VoxCommando scan all the music in a single "VC" playlist in MediaMonkey, instead of scanning the entire library.  That way you can set the playlist up however you want (e.g. songs I have heard at least once, or only certain genres, or with higher ratings, only songs that are on my e: drive, etc.).  For my own use I would probably exclude classical, audiobooks, and songs with ratings below 5.


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2011, 06:22:35 AM »
I've got a problem

VC doesn't seem to be able to control MM anymore.
When I tell VC: "Mediamonkey (prefix) play" VC just jams up a couple of seconds, the MM icon in the taskbar starts flashing and VC gives me the error:
System.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x80080005): Retreiving the COM class factory for component with CLSID (.....) failed due to the following error: 0x80080005 at Voxcommando.control.mediamonkey.mmAction(string strAc
Running MM as administrator didn't fix it

On a side node: I had the same, or a similar, problem right before updating to the newest version and I hadn't changed any options before it happend.
And right after updating I had the same problem as Kalle (though i downloaded version b and only have US english installed).
Then I updated grammars and deleted the srgs folder and now i have this new error.

Also a question: Shouldn't the 'events' button in the main VC menu be doing anything when i click it? Nothing seems to be happening when i do.




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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2011, 08:03:30 AM »
Sorry Painy. As far as I can tell, this error is caused by MediaMonkey and can only be solved by running it as administrator.  Maybe a reboot will help.  Then run MM as admin (and I mean right click and choose "run as admin", it is not enough to be logged in with an admin account). Then run VC.

I haven't touched the code that communicates with MM at all so something else must have changed on your system.  An update or something.

The events button on the menu is populated by events that you create in the options.  I wouldn't worry about it.

Did you ever try to patch MediaMonkey from the button on the events tab of VC options?  If you did, that is the only thing I can think of that might be causing problems.


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2011, 12:43:24 PM »
Ok, you're not going to believe this.

I did the same thing with my PC, using pretty much the same VC configuration as my laptop.
I had the exact same problems as when i updated my laptop's VC.

The funny thing is, VC stops communicating to MM when it's run as administrator, NOT when it's run normally. I tried this a couple of times, with the same result.
I also get different errors when using the MM patch in VC. If MM is run without admin rights it says: Access to path 'C/......../udpsender.exe' is denied.
If it is run as administrator i get the error:
Retreiving the COM class factory for component with CLSID (.....) failed due to the following error: 0x80080005



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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2011, 01:00:13 PM »
ummm.  If I understand correctly the solution is to run "not as administrator"?  and to remove the patch.

to remove the patch go to C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto and delete the two .vbs files that start with vox...

you may also be able to eliminate some problems by turning off UAC.  I personally find it annoying to no end so turning it off is one of the first things I do whenever I get a new system up and running.

In general you should not need to run mediaMonkey as administrator every time.  Just once to register the com objects.


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2011, 01:35:14 PM »
I don't think my MM was ever patched, as I got errors when I tried.
I checked the folder you suggested, and that didn't contain any Vox .vbs files.

I don't normally boot MM as administrator, I only did it because I got the 'Access to path 'C/......../udpsender.exe' is denied' when i tried applying the MM patch.

Kinda strange though, as i have used VC in combination with MM run as administrator in the past to get it working the first time, and now it can't communicate anymore :S.


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2011, 02:24:54 PM »
well, I'm just getting more and more confused since you are saying things that are self-contradictory.  you said

"The funny thing is, VC stops communicating to MM when it's run as administrator, NOT when it's run normally."

so that means that it works if you don't run it as administrator.  Therefore don't run as administrator.  Problem solved.

You also said
I also get different errors when using the MM patch in VC. If MM is run without admin rights it says: Access to path 'C/......../udpsender.exe' is denied.

clearly you have installed the patch.  To uninstall it you need to remove the files as indicated in my previous post.


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2011, 04:36:49 PM »
Sorry for being unclear

so that means that it works if you don't run it as administrator.  Therefore don't run as administrator.  Problem solved.

Well, not entirely, I still can't apply the patch to mediamonkey. I hope this screenshot I made clarifies things.

The auto folder you referred to only contains my Last fm plugin.

The purpose of my last replies were just to inform you some users, like myself, experience problems with 0.887b.
The problems i experienced when updating to 0.887b were:

1) The same error Kalle described:
when I say a command, nothing happens, the volume indicator works
Although the difference between me and Kalle is that I only use English for VC.

I followed your solution and this fixed it
- Change the recognition language to English in VC options
- close VC
- delete the SRGS folder
- start VC

2) I cannot patch Mediamonkey: As stated above
I don't need this fixed per se, as I probably won't use the options you added in the MM patch any time soon, just thought you should know

Hope this clarifies things :)

« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 04:39:00 PM by painy »


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2011, 05:22:21 PM »
when you first started this conversation you said
I've got a problem

VC doesn't seem to be able to control MM anymore.

and that is the problem that I have been trying to solve.  Forget about patching MM for now.  I was concerned that you had successfully patched mediaMonkey and that you were subsequently having troubles controlling MM.  At this point the two issues have apparently been mixed up.

so the question is "can you control MediaMonkey or not" ? 

If you can then we can consider the problem of patching MM, although as you say this is not really critical since it is only useful for some people.  Still it is easier to solve if I know that it is only the patch that is not working.


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2011, 05:38:00 PM »
Ah yes, you're right.

I thought I had that problem because I kept running MM as administrator. But now I know that is fixed by just starting MM in normal mode and it's no longer an issue for me.

Only the patching problem remains :)


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2011, 06:30:20 PM »
ok good.  It is probably just a matter of copying the 3 files over to your "..mediamonkey\scripts\auto" folder and then setting the permissions on the "udpsender.exe" file, or possibly adjusting permissions for the whole "auto" folder.

the files can be copied from the "VC\resources" folder and are called:

- VoxExportXML.vbs
(this is used if you want to only use part of your library (excluding certain songs))

- VoxCommandoEvents.vbs
- udpsender.exe
(these two are used to send events to VoxCommando, because the MM com events don't work and the MM team doesn't seem to care about it.

if putting these files into the scripts\auto folder causes problems for you, you can just delete them.

I think I mentioned earlier that UAC could be causing problems...


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2011, 06:49:11 PM »
It worked, my mediamonkey is now patched  ;D


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Re: version 0.887b
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2011, 06:58:20 PM »
phew, [wipes brow], one down  ;D