how to use the TCP Server and tasker to get info from VC,
the simplest way is to have a separate html for each thing you want tasker to have access to, so if you have an app for your living room
you may want these options in your app
LRL=Living Room Lights (Text in the html)
LRLStatus.html (ON or OFF)
FanStatus.html (ON, Off, Low, Med, High)
LRLDim.html (10,20,30,40....)
if using this method then I would suggest creating a new folder called "tasker" in your plugins\TCP\html folder and saving your status html files there, as this method could add up to several files in a hurry
you would have VC write the files whenever you toggle the lights or change the fan settings
how to get the Light status using tasker
use HTTP Get:
Your VC IP:Your port
at the bottom make sure you check
"Countinue Task After Error"
If you prefer to have less html files you could do something similar to this:
then you would have to use taskers regex to get the information you need