Well first of all, VoxCommando uses IronPython which is limited to Python 2.7.
So first you need to be using code made for Python 2 not Python 3. Sometimes the code is the same, sometimes there are differences.
But you also need the libraries. "enum" is not a default library in Python 2.7.
Even then not everything in Python 2 necessarily works in IronPython.
If you can get your code working in Python 2 then you can probably use it in Voxcommando but you would need to copy the library files to the VoxCommando\plugins\py\Lip folder.
It's not so easy. ;P
I installed Python 2.7, then I installed enum (using pip) so I could test your code in Python 2.7. If it worked then I would have tried to do it in VoxCommado.
But I get an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python27/test.py", line 3, in <module>
class status(IntFlag):
NameError: name 'IntFlag' is not defined
So it seems that something has changed in enum for Python 2.7 that was not updated in enum for Python 2.7.
To summarise. To bring code in from outside you first must be able to make it work in Python 2.7. Then if it works you can hopefully get it to work in VoxCommando by copying the libraries over.