Okay, I did not realize that you did not know what KNX is.
I would like try to explain it to you.
KNXKNX is the worldwide standard for home and building control with a single, manufacturer independent design and commissioning tool (ETS), with a complete set of supported communication media (TP, PL, RF and IP) as well as a complete set of supported configuration modes (system and easy mode). KNX is approved as a European (CENELEC EN 50090 and CEN EN 13321-1) and an International standard (ISO/IEC 14543-3).
More informations you can find here:
https://www.knx.org/en-us/https://www.knx.org/en-us/knx/association/what-is-knx/index.phphttps://www.knx.org/en-us/knx/technology/interworking/index.phpETSETS stands for Engineering Tool Software; a manufacturer independent configuration software tool to design and configure intelligent home and building control installations with the KNX system.
ETS is a software, which runs on Windows© platform based computers.
I used it (ETS4) to customizing my devices like light switch in the wall, shutters actuators, heating control and so on.. These components are connected about a bus line and a ethernet gateway.
https://www.knx.org/en-us/knx/technology/communication-media/index.phpGIRA HomeServer 4This Projekt file from ETS can i upload to my Gira Homeserver.
This is a certified KNX System from manufacturer "GIRA".
Its like an System that give u a User interface like an app on a tablet, or a touchscreen in a wall.
https://www.gira.com/en_GB/gebaeudetechnik/systeme/knx-eib_system.htmlhttps://www.gira.com/en_GB/gebaeudetechnik/systeme/knx-eib_system/knx-produkte/server/homeserver.htmlhttps://www.gira.com/en_GB/gebaeudetechnik/systeme/knx-eib_system/knx-produkte/server/homeserver/systemerlaeuterung.htmlI think KNX is one of the best an expensive System for home/buliding automation. In Europe is it used (in 70% of cases of new Buildings) on private homes, public buildings and on companys.
So, I hope I could give you a little insight and it is interesting for you.
Last year i had contact with kalle, so i am from germany too. Maybe he can give some additional informations to you.
Sorry for my bad englisch.
Greets Tobias
Additionl Information:
So why i am ask for the "HitServer"?
HitServer communicated with the gira homeserver on the knx protocoll, and had an interface to voxcommando. So that would have been the easiest way for an integartion without development.