I looked through the iTunes command options so I am sure it doesn't exist but is there any way to check whether or not music is currently being played?
I want to create a command where if music is currently being played it asks for confirmation but if music is paused or not playing at all then it will just execute it without confirmation.
When I am listening to music I'll be singing along and it thinks I'm telling it commands to change songs and stuff. I thought I would be able to use something like iTunes.GetSongTitle but it returns info even if the song is paused. I'm thinking that maybe I could tell VC to look through the history and see if an iTunes.Play Event has occurred without an iTunes.Stop Event. Can anyone think of a way I can do this? I guess I could have Groups enabled and disabled based on these events... hmmm
There is no such action because the iTunes SDK does not provide any method to check if a track is playing as far as I can tell.
Your best bet will be to use events. You could use the events to turn groups on and off. That would be easiest. You could also use the events to set a variable and then check that variable when necessary.
It sounds like your issue of the speech recognition picking up your voice when you don't want it to is one that will always find new ways to cause problems so I would look first at ways of preventing or reducing that.