Could you consider adding support for the MultiSwitch plugin (as 8 separate switches in one)
When you select one of the MultiSwitch buttons as a scene or PLEG action, the default action will be a toggle of the switch state - on to off, off to on. If you open the scene or PLEG action Advanced tab, you will see that the newStatusN value is -1 which means toggle. To set the switch off, use a value of 0. To set the switch on, use a value of 1.
The following actions are provided for use by scenes and other plugins:
urn:dcineco-com:serviceId:MSwitch1 SetStatus1 newStatus1 = <0, 1 or -1>
urn:dcineco-com:serviceId:MSwitch1 SetStatus8 newStatus8 = <0, 1 or -1>
Most other apps that support MultiSwich show it as 8 individual On/Off switches in their interface.
Thanks so much if you could make this happen! I'd gladly ship you a new Vera Edge (with UI7) for your trouble.