Author Topic: "Wait"/"Listen" for dictation input using RoboB  (Read 1959 times)

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"Wait"/"Listen" for dictation input using RoboB
« on: October 14, 2013, 12:36:28 PM »
Hey ,

I have a little problem with the setup of a "Note-System" using RoboB and Evernote.

What I've accomplished so far:

- Create a new Note (using xy coords and clicks)
- entering a title (using the phrase "Title")

I'd like it to be more "elegant":


- I'm telling VC "Create a new note" (RoboB commands)
- VC creates the note and asks "What's the title of the new note?" (VC waits x seconds for my Input, after x secs repeates the question)
- I'm telling VC the title (without the "trigger-phrase" "Title")
- VC repeates the title and asks "Is that correct?" - if "no": dictation-regular is activated and "waits" for my input | if "no spelling": dictation-spelling is activated and "waits" for my input | if "yes": next step
- VC sets the title (RoboB commands)
- VC asks "What's the content?" (VC waits x seconds for my Input, after x secs repeates the question)
- I'm telling VC the content (without a "trigger-phrase" "Content")
- VC repeates the content and asks "Is that correct?" - if "no": dictation-regular is activated and "waits" for my input | if "no spelling": dictation-spelling is activated and "waits" for my input | if "yes": next step
- VC sets the content (RoboB commands)

is there a "wait for input" command/action that can also trigger an event afterwards?

Cheers, Sunny


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Re: "Wait"/"Listen" for dictation input using RoboB
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 12:57:08 PM »
Hi Sunny.

No, there is no such thing as a "wait for input" action so you will need to use some kind of phrase to trigger your commands which store the title and the message.

It is a feature that I will consider adding in the future.

I would suggest some simple commands.

"EverNote title: {dictation}"
   - stores a variable

"EverNote message: {dictation}"
   - stores a variable

"EverNote create note"
   - checks if you have a title and message variable
   - if yes then create a new note (using smtp.send email - not robobrowser)
   - clear the variables
   - optionally you could use TTS to specify when a title and/or message are missing, and maybe show the command phrase to use to create one.
   - optionally before sending a message, show the message that will be created and offer to send it with confirmation, so the user can change the message or title if they want.