Author Topic: xref.xml  (Read 9566 times)

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Re: xref.xml
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2013, 10:26:05 PM »
When I tried, I got the following error.  I added a payload.xml (phrase only) and try and make it optional I would get the following error. 

It's true, I've never tried to set a payloadXML file as optional before.  I will see if I can make this possible.  It might not be so easy to do.


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Re: xref.xml
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2013, 10:30:58 PM »
I also discovered that I can expand on the phrases with an external editor without the limitation.  But if your telling me I can use a payload.xml and refer to it as an "optional phrase" and use more than one in an action command, that would be brilliant.  Just my experience has been that I get the following error when trying to do pretty much anything with payload.xml
Try doing this with an optional payload list.  I think it will work.


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Re: xref.xml
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2013, 12:09:41 AM »
Try doing this with an optional payload list.  I think it will work.

Sorry to sound daft, but how would doing this be any different than using a "optional phrase".  I still have the limitations on the number of characters able to be utilised. 

I really like the idea of the "payload from XML" as it allows me to enter all the variants in a database type manner.  Also what I mentioned in my last post regarding payloads and values, is my assumption correct?  Because that would be sooo cool!

Thanks James..


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Re: xref.xml
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2013, 12:33:37 AM »
Why I also like the idea of payload.xml is that it carries Values with the Phrases so I believe in essense I can cater the response depending on the phrase?  This is correct. 

That would be great as then, I can do the following I presume. 

Phrase "When was this track released" with value "released"
Respone "this track was {value} in 2004"

Phase "When did this track come out" with value "came out"
Response "this track {value} in 2004"

Catering the response to the question more naturally is tantalising.

Cool I just played around with this and it does work.  So all I need now is a "payload from xml" that allows me to make it optional, along using the "payload with phrase/value" to customise the response.   Exciting. 

I can understand why "payload with phrase/value" would not be optional as then you could not keep track of what to assign the value, correct?

Thanks James.  Customised responses here I come :)


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Re: xref.xml
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2013, 07:34:12 PM »
Sorry to sound daft, but how would doing this be any different than using a "optional phrase".  I still have the limitations on the number of characters able to be utilised.  

Yes, the limit is imposed by the windows "tree view" control at 260 characters, and it is not something I intend to change because I would basically need to use something other than a treeview and I don't think it is a real problem for most users.  As you say, you can get around it by editing the xml directly.

I was suggesting that you use a payload-list so that you would have a payload {1} that you could use in your command logic.  It is not as powerful as using a phrase/value payloadXML but you could still do some interesting things with it.