Hi brother,
I setup TTS Server using TCP Plugin which allows to receive the string sending from Vera to VOX to speak this sentence using TTS.Speak. I used {1} to capture this string from TCP Server Event. It works perfectly to speak english sentence locally and remotely via TTS Server. When I configure TTS language to non-English (Cantonese), I test it on the action directly using TTS.Speak with Chinese character as parameter. It also works without problem to speak Cantonese sentence. When I put this Cantonese sentence into Vera code to send it remotely to VOX, I found {1} showing "
??". If I used James' TCP Plugin (for Hexcode manupluation), it will show "\xFG\XEE.......". How can I fix this problem and let VOX can speak Cantonese sentence received from Vera? Thanks.
Vera Code is here:
local socket = require("socket")
host = ""
c = assert(socket.connect(host, 5555))
Hi James, we may need your help here
Best regards,