Any command that has the first action set to
will always be active even when in standby so you don't require a prefix for it, as long as the group it is in has not been disabled.
Ahh that was exactly what i needed . I assumed such a command would not be executed if the system is in standby mode. I thought the only possible way of issuing commands out of standby was by using a prefix followed by a command. So thanks for the clarification. The difference in this scenario would be that I can´t use the VC.ON Stuff with a different confidence like i would with the prefix.
My Usage Scenario was saying the prefix
then getting a confirmation that voxcom ist listening and coming out of Standby and
then Issuing the command i wish to be executed. This would be combined with the timeout of 15s, so that when I get voxcom out of standby with the prefix and can´t think of a command afterwards
it would return to standby. At the moment Prefix+command have to be issued at the same time. I just thought it had been different in earlier version of Voxcommando
Thank you both for the fast answers and of course @jitterjames great work, great program