First, thanks for a great application! I really love the combination of VoxCommando and EventGhost seems like the possibilities for home automation are endless. Im currently working on making my computer into a voice-controlled alarm clock, now how useful wouldn't that be!?
However i am having some trouble with the payloads from WoxCommando (v0733). If for instance if i create a command like this:
<command name="test" enabled="true">
and then say "test 1 2 3"
The event in eventghost looks like:
Brodcast.test&&1&&2&&3 ´´
Looking in the Brodcaster script file, the ipadress is only added as a payload if the text ",payload=" is not found in the received string so i changed the the command name to "test,palyload=" and got:
Brodcast.test '&&1&&2&&3'
Ok i can work with that but i don't see any extra ",palyload=" text in the example commands so i was wondering if i have completely missed something or if there is something else that i have done wrong in my setup???