Author Topic: Filtering your payloadXML files to reduce size and speed up load time  (Read 1878 times)

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If you have a really huge library, or if you just have songs that you don't want to use with Voxcommando you can now use this script to select the songs you want included in your voicecommands.

put the attached file into your scripts\auto folder.  On my system it is
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto
Then run mediaMonkey.

1) Select the songs you want to use with Voxcommando.  For example you might want to create an "auto playlist" that only uses songs with a high rating, but excludes audiobooks and classical music, and then select-all
2) Right-click the selected tracks and you should see an option "Export Tracks to VoxCommando".  Click it and browse to your .\mmPayloads directory, under your VoxCommando directory. 

* Currently it will only export Aritst, Album, and Songs.  Not album-artist, or genres, but I should be able to add these as well.

As usual, any good/bad feedback is welcome!