I Tried to register on the forum and it's shutting down or moving - so it won't let me.
So wondered if I could ask in here.
I recorded some IR commands from my SAT-STB. They work but when I go to edit or check "some".
I double click on them and (some open and allow me to TEST / see them) while others spew errors
and crash EG. The errors from the log are these...
Any ideas?
File "EventGhost.pyw", line 31, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\__init__.py", line 110, in Main
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\Classes\TaskletDialog.py", line 41, in ProcessingTask
self.Configure(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\Classes\ConfigDialog.py", line 126, in Configure
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\Classes\ActionItem.py", line 107, in Configure
return self.executable.Configure(*args)
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\plugins\USB-UIRT\__init__.py", line 440, in Configure
repeatCtrl = eg.SpinIntCtrl(panel, -1, value=repeatCount, min=1, max=127)
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\Classes\SpinIntCtrl.py", line 61, in __init__
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\Classes\SpinNumCtrl.py", line 94, in __init__
numCtrl.SetValue(value) # To avoid bug in NumCtrl
File "wx\lib\masked\numctrl.pyc", line 1277, in SetValue
File "wx\lib\masked\numctrl.pyc", line 1604, in _toGUI
ValueError: value 32767 exceeds value of control
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "wx\_misc.pyc", line 1342, in Notify
File "wx\_core.pyc", line 14720, in Notify
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\Classes\UndoHandler\Configure.py", line 41, in Try