In all honesty I think the reason no one responded is the simple fact that it's not our program, we may post commands for others to use, we may help others to give back to the great community, but we did not put in the hard work to create this amazing and unbeatable program.
the fact is jitterjames put in
many hours just to create the initial program and interface, then on top of that, jitterjames, nim5ter and kalle have spent countless more hours on top of that helping all of us through any learning curve we may have or had so we can enjoy this program to its fullest, and they always go above and beyond to make their customers happy, including new plugins, remote assistance, and live chatting, etc...
the big hurdle is one thing that no person can jump past is the fact that most people don't have the know how when it comes to computers to learn this or simply don't want to do the work, because they want "Plug n Play" so they go with the echo or google home, the next big thing is that most people don't want to use a full size PC to run voice automation. even if this program could be ported to be used on the lets say a raspberry pi the issue is still the fact that most people don't know how to work with them, or feel its to over whelming to learn.
in my own opinion I think the best of both sides of the spectrum are needed to make something that the other company's can't keep up with, it would need to be a pre-made device with a great microphone array, then it would host a web interface that you could reach via the devices IP address. you would need to have some type of a data base for basic commands (Whats the weather, What time is it, etc) to make it simple to add commands. then you need a stable speech engine that has as many languages as possible, and no audio recordings leaving the device. this of course is just the bullet points. I'm not a programmer by any stretch and that sounds like a giant project and major undertaking to me.
jitterjames has created a great program that my family and I use everyday, from having it check that my system backups run every night, waking us up with the weather and sunrise effect from our smart bulbs, reminding my kids to brush their teeth before school, as we are getting ready up stairs while they are down stairs eating breakfast, along with reminding us of our calendar events, and so much more, I still add new commands all the time and still talk about it with friends and family (I'm sure they are tired of hearing it lol).I'm in the process of making a new set of commands for my garage as I have added a walk-in door sensor, an overhead door sensor, smart switch and still waiting on my monetary relay for my garage door opener, I could use vera for my scenes but I prefer VC to handle it, so I can keep everything together.
yes I do wish jitterjames could keep adding on to the program and expanding its capability's but at the same time I fully understand and respect his stand point. I would love to see a autoremote and Join plugin but at the same time there are other ways to get around not having a plugin so its not a deal breaker, and most of the VC users don't use either of those services so its not something that would be practical for jitterjames to invest time into.
when I created my youtube channel I created videos around VC and using the cheep smart products because I'm a cheapskate and wanted to show others that you can create a smart home with out breaking the bank, I even created a video series teaching people how to create a remote app for android and VC using Tasker but had very little traffic and most comments on the thread actually came from jitterjames himself, hence my comment earlier about people wanting "plug-n-play".
if people fully knew what they where giving up when they go the route of Plug-n-play ie. Amazon Echo then maybe they would start to look at something they can create them self, I recently started using a program called PiHole on my network to block ads and while doing some research on it, I came across a thread of people trying to figure out why amazon was pinging their network
up words of 40,000 times so yeah I'm glad that I do a lot of work my self
Thanks jitterjames, nim5ter and kalle for the great product and great work