I'm using an old acer laptop using windows 10 and kodi.
windows 10 has several bugs using vox.
Im running kodi isengard 1.0 with voxcommando
I had the cenima experience bug when loading vox, a message popup error
everytime vox starts and several commands not working.
I fixed the cenima experience and some commands not working by turning on my
sounds in system settings bizarrely (not volume, your system sounds such as received mail,etc.)
in your volume settings.
as I had these off as I saw a post I cannot find about deleting the cenima files.
I also had the problems of various commands not working while vox is receiving them (popup message
saying confirmed works). these include
play the movie would not work at all even just saying play " " until I added the in play the.
resume wouldn't work at all until I deleted it and added it to play pause (uses the same keyboard shortcut).
using gotham vox version with kodi I finaly got minimize and normalize kodi to work by also lowering the confidence setting
even though vox was giving me 92.% confidence and telling me it was working. (used several mics so I assume
these are win 10 bugs.
I cannot get maximize kodi to work at all or get recognized when I program it in. (prefer that to normalize).
some of the play and resume recognition problems may be do to lumping play, browse and resume into one command as
browse is not the same command of either.
I have no problems using browse titles for tv or movies or since I added play the to the browse, play, resume line in play movie.
dictation the mic recognition goes in and out using several different mics and also vox doesn't close out of the
program list bar, I have to use the speech platform for using kodi wich has little problems when it comes to the mic suddenly stops working (usualy solved by unplugging and plugging back in and waiting 2-3 min).
I suspect some problems are being caused also by xbmc renaming to kodi and code not checked.
is their any way to turn off the tts speak during the start of play movies and also remove the volume mute as this is spotty and annoying esp when you resume playback, cannot find the mute section in commands.xml?
sometimes also the tts goes in and out of being buggy and scratchy wich I usualy mess around in the tts speech win 10 settings and get it back working after closing out vox and kodi.
thanks and regards love voxcommando, using a trail version (newest version).
my favorite program other than kodi.