You can use a maptable - as example:
1. Create a maptable and name it
last_used or what ever you want - you can let do this VC automatically by insert as
first action (in your
command where you specify which light you turn on) - Map.CreateTable with parameter
last_used2. Insert a
Map.Set action in the same command with following parameter.
last_used as maptable name /
hue device as key /
{1} as value (I think
{1} is the ID for the hue device)
This action create a maptable and store the last result from
{1} as last used device in the
value row.
Now you can use this
value in your "
set them to x percent, it's still too bright" command, while insert a query from the created maptable
{M:last_used.hue device} instead of the
ID in the
Hue.Light action.
I can not try this command, because I have no Hue
but I hope this will help you.