Author Topic: Experience with OpenRemote?  (Read 1746 times)

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Experience with OpenRemote?
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:42:34 PM »
I think many of us are on a similar journey.  Home Automation is becoming more popular, cheaper, more available, more powerful, and what we have now is probably going to seem primitive in a few years.  On top of that many of us want speech recognition in our homes.  It seems to me we are in the early stages where new standards and protocols are popping up all the time, change is constant, and it makes this difficult. 

Fortunately we have the diamonds in the rough.  Like VoxCommando. 

To my point... I feel like my implementation is moving kinda slow, requiring a lot of trying this and that, lots of reading and testing, patience.  While I try to get things integrated and working better and better, I need some options to fall back on so the family doesn't bail on me.  I want them to get into this and not 'just use the tv remote'.  So I want to make a custom, simple to use app that anyone at the house can fall back on to control a light, or open Vox Command on a media center where it is not running, these kinds of things.

I started working with OpenRemote.  I'm to the point where I am getting going but I would say still early stages.  I just saw on here iRule so when I am done with this I am going to check it out to see how it compares.

I have some old tablets at the house I can use, my can put it on my wife's phone.  So if there is a hiccup in the system they won't get frustrated with my projects, they can pull out the tablet or phone and be ok.

I was wondering if anyone had recommendations, feedback, advice?  OpenRemote seems like it should do what I need.  And it is free. 

Any thoughts?
