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Messages - FallenOne

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Recommended TTS voices
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:57:26 PM »
ah well... looking back at anna.... i just don't want to go back
*adding that to the list*
thanks for the info Kalle

XML Exchange / Re: Internet Radio
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:53:30 PM »
but....but... this is so all-in-one-convinient ;)

well... time to get media monkey i guess ;) thanks for the fast answer!

XML Exchange / Re: Internet Radio
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:44:40 PM »
soo.. digging out the old thread.

first of all, thanks for introducing me to radio paradise ;) love it.
second of all, in your command you use "Sound.SetVol" to adjust the streams volume.

well.. sort of... while Sound.SetVol controls the system volume, i can't really hear the tts when it is turned down ;)

so i looked into some commands and found "Sound.SetStreamVol" . what i encountered was that basically it adjusts the volume independent from the system volume slider, but it also affects the tts voice :C
now the question is: is there a way to regulate the stream volume, while keeping the tts voice at the same volume?

General Discussion / Re: Recommended TTS voices
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:27:03 PM »
i recently had contact with a sales representative from neospeech about voices. they sent me a few to test. right now i'm using julie, and i have to say she's awesome. any idea what number i can look forward to pay for one of their licenses? because... i really.. REALLY like it =)

ninja edit: of course i will basically know exactly what it costs in like.. 2 weeks when the test license expires, but since some ppl already baught their license, maybe i could get a hint.

W.O.L. / Re: WOL for my TV
« on: November 07, 2013, 01:08:30 PM »
Yeah.. sorry about that, maybe i should type bi-lingual from now on ^^ or just stick to english.. anyways

James: well.. as i posted above (in german) is that i successfully started the tv on the first try with wol, and that i maybe just hit that sweet spot where the network-adapter was still on.
my tv seems to have 2 stages of powering down. first stage are the initial few minutes, where network may still work, and then , as i quoted, there's a distinctive click, which appearently powers down the rest.
i looked at CEC because there are 3 CEC commands built in to xjson's XJson.ExecBuiltin, i read something along the lines of power on, power off, and standby... but i know to little about CEC to know what tries to power down what in that scenario ;)
and as kalle translated, the setup i have now makes ir placement kinda difficult.. well, i'll have to think of something there

W.O.L. / Re: WOL for my TV
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:15:17 PM »
hm.. muss ich mir wohl langsam mal überlegen wo ich das ding taktisch klug beim momentanen wohnungsaufbau nicht ganz so einfach. na mal sehn, danke dir erstmal ;)

wenns updates gibt poste ich die natürlich


W.O.L. / Re: WOL for my TV
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:03:01 PM »
hm... dann hab ich wohl beim ersten mal genau den moment erwischt als der netzwerk-adapter noch an war ;)
hmpf... bin grad noch am hin und her überlegen wie ich möglichst ohne lange ladezeit den fernseher via vc anbekomme.
ich könnte natürlich den fernseher anlassen und via xbmc  screensaver abdunkeln.. aber dann ist der fernseher immer noch an.. =)
versuche gerade via CEC vom Raspberry aus den fernseher zu aktivieren. ich lese mich noch in das thema ein. kann also sein dass ich das prinzip falsch verstanden habe und CEC nur vom TV zum Raspberry geht. na mal sehen.
natürlich könnte man sich auch eine IR-variante bauen. aber ich hoffe noch dass das so geht. ausserdem macht rumprobieren spass ;)

hab grad noch was gefunden:
Even with IR the models since 2010 have two levels of standby, when you turn the TV off with IR, after about 5 mins, the TV will click, a single IR pulse will not work,

naja...rumprobieren.. wie gesagt.

W.O.L. / WOL for my TV
« on: November 06, 2013, 03:40:53 PM »
Hey guys =)

So, I'm trying to activate my TV and switch it to "HDMI4" which is my raspberry pi running XBMC frodo.
TV is a Panasonic Viera TXP50VT20EA.

So... Starting off easy, i had XBMC running, switched my tv off and ran the WOL command via VC. TV turned on (to the normal tv-stations and not the hdmi, but hey, success).
so... i turned the tv off again, googled a bit and read forums, tried the WOL-command again and... well nothing. Wake on lan not working.

So i turned it on via remote control, pinged it, everything ok.
i turned it off, pinged it. no response.

then, i pinged again, now it's returning me with my pc -ip that the targeted host is not reachable.

aaaaany ideas? =)

thanks in advance, i'll go looking through google now

wow, thanks to all the feedback.. so let's see:

Yes, speak2wav does work, i probably really did set that up wrong ;) anyways it's working now.

that will come in handy =) even thou as of right now i just use that osd for a short reminder from the calendar, so no need to let it stay up that long =)

thanks for the welcome and for another useful command ;)

sadly, i did not. i did, however, rearranged some stuff. it now looks like this:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="810" name="monitore an" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="" loopMax="0" description="">
    <cmdString />
    <cmdString>welcome back sir, the time is {shorttime} on {shortdate}. Upcoming events: {LastResult}</cmdString>
    <cmdString>C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music\Kalimba.mp3</cmdString>
  <phrase>geh ma an hier</phrase>

as you can see, i now use only one tts line, wanted more to keep it nice to look at... but screw that ;) also i get the ggcal getrange before i turn the monitors on to make it a bit more instant if the internet may be slow for some reason.

works like a charm. next up, trying to get it to read me some news headlines... but that's a task for tomorrow ;)

thanks for all the help, really looking forward to what i can do (with some help heh) with voxcommando ;)

soooo.. playing around with this, i now deactivated every audio-output-option there is except my 2 speakers ^^

i tried the tts.speak2wav, did not work :C
i took out the delay, as well as the two ++, monitor off  - monitor on. it's now reading me the events, and appearently tries to say the "welcome" line. in the history that line has a yellowi-ish background color.
i'll now try to move thinge around and add a delay here and there, only for the tts. maybe i'll just put that welcome line into the upcoming events tts line ^^
funny thing is the music starts playing immediately

@nime5ter : glad you like it, and thanks for your input. that idea/functionality is basically what got me started with voxcommando. it's tony stark's fault btw =)

--written while you posted, i'll try your code now--

Hey James, thanks for the warm welcome ;)

As i said it's pretty much baby steps.

PC only, sound via normal speakers from the (onboard) sound jacks, no fancy "controlling other stuff" yet ^^

i don't know in what order the systems are brought back up, since the music is playing fine i'd say the sound is working.
tts usually works like a charm since that is the thing i mostly did until now.. you know.. make my pc talk and all =)

also i'm not sure what the monitor-off function really does "behind the scenes". if it only deactivates the monitors (like say the screensaver) i don't really see why tts would have problems with that.

thanks for the fast answer ;)


So, i tried your modification, now what happens is
-Monitors turn on
-bit of a pause
-music plays for ~2 seconds, then goes silent for~5 seconds
-osd displays the "wake up"
-after ~10secs from the initial startup the tts starts with the ggcal message

the first messeage gets lost somewhere

So, hey, i'm the new guy ;)
First of all thank you for making a software i was always looking for!  ;D

Anyways, i'm still new to this, so i'm taking my baby-steps to more and more complex stuff.

the problem i'm encountering atm is as follows:
i leave my pc  (win 7 64 bit), and i programmed the "monitor off" command to.. well, turn off the monitors.

now, when i come back, what i want to happen is i say something like "i'm back", a song comes on, pc tells me the time via tts, as well as the upcoming events from ggcal.

that's the plan. problem it that the tts often does not start to talk. i see that the event is triggered, monitors turn on, music starts, and the osd shows my upcoming events, but the tts won't talk.
i tried tinkering around with pause commands to give the pc time to start up, but the music starts even before the monitors start up so i guess that's not the problem.

hope i described the problem somewhat understandable.

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="797" name="monitore an" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="" loopMax="0" description="">
    <cmdString>C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music\Kalimba.mp3</cmdString>
    <cmdString>welcome back sir, the time is {shorttime} on {shortdate}. I hope you had a nice day.</cmdString>
    <cmdString />
    <cmdString>Upcoming events: {LastResult}</cmdString>
  <phrase>geh ma an hier</phrase>

hope to hear from you soon, thanks again.
greetings from germany
FallenOne aka Max

Pages: [1]