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Messages - jmizzle

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General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:37:22 AM »
Wow exactly what I was looking for. Thanks James and everyone else for your help. Much appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:20:00 AM »
Yes please sounds good James,
Thanks :)

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 19, 2013, 09:39:23 AM »
test first my third option with the batchfile.
Tried creating a batch file with the minimize command but didnt work.

If you're looking for a solution until James modifies the program, you can try the code below. Just tested it on my machine and it seems to work here. It launches AmuletUSB and uses keyboard emulation to hide it when you launch VC, so if you automatically launch VC on startup this should also launch and minimize automatically. You'll need to change the file path for AmuletUSB, of course.

... You might need to add a VC.Pause action between the Launch and Focus actions.

^ Thanks that worked perfectly. Its all starting to make sense to me now :)

I got the Random movie working as well. I think it was conflicting with another command i had created when I was messing around trying to get it working.

My last question for now (I promise lol) is being able to talk to my PC and it understands what i'm saying. Like at the start of james' new video.
For example if I get the PC to ask me if I would like to hear some music and then dependant on what I reply (yes/no) it will either play a song (yes) or ask 'ok then how about a movie?'
Is it just as simple as creating a bunch of commands to respond to a phrase. Or does it use the IF and THEN logic (which i am not too familiar with)?
I mean I can create a command that whenever the word 'yes' is said at any stage then it will play a song. But then this command would conflict if I say 'yes' to 'ok then how about a movie'

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:32:58 AM »
mmhh, ok let us try a other way  ;)
1. create a shortcut for the amuletusb on desktop
2. right click on the link and open properties
3. on "link tab" is a option for open minimized
I'm not sure this will work, but I have also a other option :bignod
create a action with keyboard emulation, you need follow keys to minimize a window: [ALT]+[SPACE]+ n

Hehe yeah that was of the first things I tried lol didnt work.
I know there are 3rd party apps out there that will do this for me but was hoping to do it in vox. I mean it isnt really a big deal if we can't.
But I will try your last option.
So do i need to create an xml file for the keyboard emu? Can u walk me through this if it isnt too complicated? Thanks

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:02:02 AM »
Yes well it opened Amuletusb.exe on startup that way however it is not minimized but rather focused on top of vox?

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<commandGroup open="True" name="Amulet Hidden" enabled="True" prefix="" priority="0" requiredProcess="" description="">
  <command id="436" name="Hide Amulet on Launch" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
      <cmdString>I:\HTPC\voxcommando 1.1\AmuletUSB.exe</cmdString>

This is my command ^

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:33:34 AM »
You can start the "amuletUSB.exe" when VC is launching, there is a command action "Launch.Hidden" available which you can trigger with an event. If you take a look in the history window of VC after it is starting, you will see some events that VC has created (calendar icons).
You can drag'n drop one of them on you created launch.hidden command.
A "how to use events" video is on our youtube channel.

Ok so I have set the launch.hidden command to the VC.Loaded event. When I start vox it comes up in the history as being exectuted but there is an orange box around it and the Amuletusb app doesnt open at all.
I think it might be the format of the path to the amuletusb.exe? In the path parameter for the launch.hidden action I simply put "I:\HTPC\Vox Commando 1.1\AmuletUSB.exe".
Is this correct?

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:00:36 AM »
Great thanks so much for all your help guys!
So i basically got everything working now.
I wasnt able to get the xbmc.softmute command working. But the system volume partial mute command worked instead. I entered them in exactly the same. Any idea why the xbmc.softmute command didnt work?
The play movies with actors command worked great (however it does get a little confused with nearly 14000 actors in the payload lol)
I created the random movie playlist command. However I was looking for it to automatically play a movie as soon as I say the command rather than bring up a playlist. Perhaps a command to choose a random value in the xbmcmovieIDs.xml payload??

Oh yeah and is it possible to minimise the Amulet USB app to the tray automatically on computer startup?

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:40:23 PM »
Ok well i have spent the last few days going through every tutorial I can find.
I have made a bit of progress. I can ask the weather, time, focus webpages or applications, however I am stuck with a few issues.

1. I want to be able to list movies with a particular actor in XBMC. I have created the command, phrase, and payload from XML file, however my Logical Command Builder is blank as I do not know what to put in here. Can someone please help me with this?

2. I want to set a desired volume when I lift the amulet remote and restore volume when I put it down. At the moment it does nothing to the volume when I lift it up and down. It doesnt even register on the history tab on vox. I assume I use the softmute action but what is the command for it?

3. Lastly, I would like to create a command to play a random movie.

Let me know if you want me to create a separate thread for each of my questions and I will.
Thanks for your help :)

General Discussion / Re: Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:50:52 AM »
Thanks for the welcome :)
I am running windows 7 64
Latest xbmc Frodo...
Vox commando 1.1 (Or should I revert back to the previous release until this one is stable?)
Amulet remote
OKay I am going through some of the tutorials on the youtube now.
Yes I have it working fine with XBMC... I can play music, movies etc.
I will let you know once I finish with the tutorials.

General Discussion / Custom commands / Command editor tree help
« on: June 13, 2013, 01:04:29 AM »
Hi I am new to vox..
I want to know if there is a guide for dummies that shows you how to edit voice commands and play around with that command editor tree...
I use xbmc and want vox to show me a list of movies when i say "show me movies with {actor}"
I have followed another post and edited the xsql option and created the 'xbmcmovieactors.xml' file in payloads folder...
But now how do I get it to create/recognize the command?
This is likely to not be my only reason to create commands etc. so i would like to learn how to do it for the future. The wiki confused me and none of the commands I created worked.
Also I want my HTPC to talk to me (tell me the weather, time, ask me questions etc) so I assume I will need to edit the command tree for this as well?
I see on other posts people writing code but where do I input this code into?
Thanks in advance :)

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