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Messages - rdbrooks

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How many symbols have you tried, cuz i just noticed there are 20 songs and theyre littered with symbols in the ID3 information, "Run A*way" "[Chali]" "My <Dsmbr" "PPr::Cut"

XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / VC wont see my music, say whaaaaat?!
« on: October 22, 2010, 02:00:20 PM »
Okay so i was updating my music collection, then after the xbmc finished update i did genxml and would you know it it came up 0 for songs, i decided to add each album 1 by 1 and found out one of my linkin park albums was the problem, it seems the song files were labeled with characters for example "Cr@wl1ng.mp3" once i removed this album and cleanded the library genxml started seeing my songs again.  :bonk :bonk

Something interesting i found while using xbmc with VC, xbmc has the ability to play rar'ed movie files, if i say play movie predators and its in a rar achive it wont play, but if i extract it, no problem.
Thats just something interesting i found thought i'd let'cha know  ;D

General Discussion / What would you name your VC now with sexy TTS
« on: October 21, 2010, 10:54:04 AM »
So i've been doing some modifying of commands and i realize that the more you add commands the more likely it is for VC to mistake what you are saying, so i got Neospeech TTS engine - Julie, to get rid of that awful microsoft enigine and The neospeech engine sounded so natural i decided to call it Anna, yes i why not julie, bleh  :P i like anna  ;D.  Now instead of saying listen i say Anna, or anna what song is this, now it no longer mistakes my breathing for the word "the".

So anyway what would you name you voice? oh and if anyone wants julie i'm willing to pass her around.....wait that doesnt sound right  ::) let me and i'd put it up on megaupload

Love, Peace and chicken grease ;D

XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / Re: cant get find movie to work :(
« on: October 21, 2010, 07:51:53 AM »
UMmmmm akward  :D i made a boo boo, its working now, i should have never messed with your xml in the first place, but i was getting a mundo error because my xml's for music were empty and VC dont like empty xml;'s :)
oh i do have a question, theres a check box between the green and yellow mic, what does that do? and is there anyway to get VC to auto genXML when it starts or when commanded?

XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / cant get find movie to work :(
« on: October 19, 2010, 06:33:12 PM »
Ok first i want to say HEY!! love the software ;D, ok so i'm using your voicecommands.xml list you did for the xbmc video, and i've edited it to point at my movies xml file but i cant get it to find my movies, for example if i say "find movie matrix" it goes to movies but jups to the first movie in the list, if i say it again it goes to next movie in the list and so on, it just moves to the next movie, dont know what to do :( :bonk please help.

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