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Messages - Phobophile

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В свое время отказался от намерения купить nooLite как раз из-за отсутствия обратной связи. Самый доступный рабочий вариант с обратной связью - это z-wave, но ценник конский. Поэтому планирую делать автоматизацию при помощи Raspberry Pi, Arduino и соответствующих датчиков. Для включения/выключения света - реле, для контроля текущего состояния (вкл или выкл) - датчик тока. Все эти компоненты стоят копейки, сложностей в программировании никаких нет.

Поддержка русского языка / Re: vwPro
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:39:15 PM »
а  можно чем то заменить телефон
к примеру ip mic  если знаете?  Или   к примеру   устройство с кнопкой  нажал   потом сказал и отпустил.  просто я не  могу найти в каком направлении  искать .  Я думал возможно cделать что то на базе Arduino
как пример .   Еще раз спасибо за ответ

Я бы посоветовал Amulet Remote, но, к сожалению, совсем недавно его продажи прекратились. Он реагирует на наклон - активируется когда держишь пульт вертикально. Честно говоря, я бы тоже предпочёл вариант с кнопкой, но пока ничего подобного не видел.

Thank you! Now I have the spare one.  ;D

Us, and all those Elite Dangerous guys, it seems.  :biglaugh
Yes, you're right. The topic about VC on their forum is 42 pages  :o
But exactly this guy says in the comments he doesn't use voice commands anymore since he got this.

I agree that the Amulet was not perfect and I'd like to see something else come along that is even better.  It could be improved on in many ways at least theoretically.  Sadly I don't think there is enough of a market for it.
You're right about the market. Actually, I don't know anyone (except for guys from the forum) who uses voice recognition at his home. I think, the problem is that it usually requires a lot of tweaking and DIY stuff, so attracts only geeks like us  ;D

3) create a new macro in eventghost, start with a .55 second wait and then add 10 volume Up or Down actions, then add "Jump if double pressed" to the bottom of your regular volume macro and have it execute your new volume macro, then to turn the volume up or down by ten you would just hit the button twice in X amount of time and it would turn the volume Up or down by ten

Wow, I like this solution, I'll give it a try, thanks!

I've never had any problems with battery life on either of my Amulets.  They last longer on a charge than any wireless microphone I know of and they are super easy to charge via USB.  I charge mine overnight about once a week, before it is depleted.

IR learning is useless but having an MCE remote with microphone is perfect for me. Combined with UUIRT and EventGhost you can do more than with a learning remote as long as your PC is running.

Sadly, I wasn't able to get USB-UIRT+EventGhost to work with volume changing on my Pioneer receiver. It changes one point when I press the button, but won't change fast while I hold it. So I still need my receiver remote. :(

Anyway, I will still buy some of the remaining stock, cause the price is great!

Bad news. Despite its flaws, Amulet was a really unique product. On the other hand, as far as I know, it didn't improve much since the first batch, so all the problems with learning capabilities and battery drain in stand-by mode are still there - please, correct me if I'm wrong.

BTW, is it just me, or their website is down?

What is a good microphone for speech recognition? / Re: MXL AC-404 USB mic
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:24:34 AM »
Bought it off Amazon ($90 with shipping). First of all - nice package! A lot of useless paper and a fake leather case tell you that you've spent your money well. Nicely built too, I think it weighs even more than 90$, somewhere around 120.  ;D
Ok, to the point. Can't say for sure about promised 25 feet, but 3 meters away in a quiet room it works ok. I get about 70-90% recognition (no matter if using English or Russian engine), so accuracy threshold should be probably lowered in Vox in this case. Obviosuly, as mentioned before, not very useful when listening to music or watching movies, or just leaving Vox in "always listen" mode - just now it triggered my "Tee vee off" command without apparent reason. Turning on prefix mode is also a good idea.
So, my resume: MXL AC-404 is a great and not very expensive solution for home automation in a small room. Especially if you don't have a lot of commands. If your main goal is to control your media center, then I would stick with Amulet. Or you can use them both.

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Checking pressing
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:27:06 PM »
When you start VoxCommando the variable has no value.  The way you created your logic block, both commands will fail because the variable is not equal to either 0 or 1.
By the way, is there any way to initialize the variable when VoxCommando starts? Or to check if it was initialized, something like "IsNull"?

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Checking pressing
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:10:56 PM »
Ну примерно вот так, я думаю.
I think, something like this:

Code: [Select]
<commandGroup open="True" name="Flight Sim" enabled="True" prefix="" priority="0" requiredProcess="" description="">
<command id="108" name="Flight Mode" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
<if ifBlockDisabled="False" ifNot="False">
<param>result = {1} - {var.mode}</param>
<param>Открываем закрылки {LastResult} секунд</param>
<param>result = {var.mode} - {1}</param>
<param>Закрываем закрылки {LastResult} секунд</param>
<payloadFromXML phraseOnly="False" use2partPhrase="False" phraseConnector="by" Phrase2wildcard="anyone" optional="False">payloads\flightsim.xml</payloadFromXML>

В папку payloads надо будет сунуть прилагаемый файл. Саму логику удержания клавиш не делал, ограничился подсчётом необходимых секунд и определением направления движения закрылок. И да, понятное дело, это работает, если клавиатуру для управления закрылками не использовать вообще. В противном случае нужно как-то отлавливать удержание клавиш, возможно, поможет что-то типа Eventghost.

You should also put the attached file in your "payloads" directory. I didn't implement the key pressing itself, this command just prints the direction of flaps and the number of seconds that key needs to be pressed. And yes, this works only if you don't use your keyboard to control flaps at the same time. Otherwise, you need to track keys holding. Maybe, something like Eventghost can help.

I think with the USB dongle you would need some kind of driver, however there are a few free home automation programs out that there probably support it and in most cases it should be possible to communicate with those programs through one of our existing actions (Scrape, TCP, UDP etc.).  Let me know if I can help.

There might also be a command line program for this dongle which would make basic control pretty easy but it would be more difficult to monitor the status of devices in order to generate events etc.

I personally like having the Vera which I can access when I am away from home, because when I am away or when I am asleep my PC is usually turned off to save power.  The cost of the Vera is really not much compared to the cost of all the z-wave components (switches, locks, motion sensors etc.) although I understand it is a bit more difficult if you are not in North America.

The other option if you only want to turn a few switches on and off without spending too much money, is to use something like the Telldus TellStick which is available in a few European countries I think.  Some forum users have had success with TellStick and VC.

Did a little googling, found software called HomeGenie. It's free, works on Windows and Linux, supports AeonLabs dongle and Z-Wave extension board for Raspberry Pi. Also has HTTP API. Pretty good solution, I think. Regarding the price of components, I really don't want to use any other Z-Wave stuff, except for light swithes. For sensors and relays I'm gonna use cheap 2$ stuff connected to Raspberry.

And by the way, thanks for the info about TellStick, maybe that's what I really need instead of overpriced proprietary Z-Wave. I'm going to look into it.
Sorry for disturbing Deutsche Support forum.  ;D

Hi OnFire, I don't hink that USB-UIRT is too expensive, I use it for a long time, it's reliable and nicely built device. So I consider that 70$ was payment for me not being able to construct it myself (let's face the facts, the components are hardly cost more than 10$ but it's the contruction itself that you pay for).

About Z-wave. I'm planning to use some of their stuff too, not much (just the lighting, I think). Does anybody use USB dongle, like this, for example? First of all, it's much cheaper than Vera. And if machine with VoxCommando is always running, why not use it as a Z-Wave controller as well?

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Checking pressing
« on: January 27, 2015, 02:41:04 PM »
На словах то конечно просто :) Попробую разобраться про маппинг смотрел видео, вроде ничего сложного, хотя по английский хромает...
Попробуй, если не получится, то могу попробовать сделать примерный скрипт, просто ща под рукой VC нет и времени особо тоже. :)

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Checking pressing
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:13:53 AM »
Я бы сделал одну переменную, которая в разных режимах равна количеству секунд удержания кнопки выпуска закрылок, то есть 0, 3, 8, 17.
Потом можно сделать маппинг - это файл, содержащий пары ключ-значение, в твоем случае будет: 0-полёт, 3- боевое, 8-взлет, 17 - посадка.
Таким образом, в экшене VoxCommando у тебя будут доступен входной параметр, содержащий время удержания от нуля (скажем, для "закрылки боевое" - 3) и переменная текущего состояния (например, посадка = 17). Сравниваешь два значения и определяешь какую из кнопок держать и сколько секунд.

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