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Messages - Sinbe

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Has anyone been able to locate one of these used conference mixers in Europe? What makes and models should I look for and where? All of the options mentioned on this forum seem to be only available in america on ebay, but I'm sure there are similar devices used on this side of the pond as well.

I can't think of any reason for this but it certainly sounds like a problem with CyanogenMod.  You could try a full uninstall/reinstall of VW.  If you find the reason please let us know.
It was because the FW didn't have a TTS engine (saves precious memory on old cheap device). Installing a TTS fixed it.

If you look in your VC history window you will see that various events are generated by VoxWav and the TcpMic plugin.  You should be able to use those to turn your regular mic on and off if you like.
Okay, didn't think of that. I'll try.

I'll just use this thread as it's no a big issue. I have VoxWav Pro running on my Android 4.2 phone and it works fine, but a 5" phone is a bit clumsy to use. It also worked fine on my previous 3.14" Android 2.2 phone until I updated that thing to 4.2 CyanogenMod. Now every time I try to launch the app, it crashes. What makes this interesting is that VW Free works just fine on that phone. Can you think of any reason why this would happen?

Edit: I think I found the reason for this in one of the threads below. Maybe should have checked more carefully first......

Also is it possible to disable the mic listening while VW is receiving. Right now I get the same command twice sometimes.

And one last thing, can you check if it's possible to force the orientation sensor on while screen is off? It used to work on Android <4 but apparently there's a way to do it with the new ones as well. This would allow giving the commands in screen off mode by tilting the phone.

Cuz Winamp since the nineties, I'm afraid of anything new!

I'll check out MediaMonkey then, maybe it'll do what I need.

This is quite interesting, but is there any way to create a payload XML file that would work with this but uses the ID3 tags? I have working Media libraries in WMC and MediaPortal, but they both use some other method to launch the files I suppose (MP seems to be using a number ID for each file). If I understood correctly the script you have made reads the filename and changes it so it can be interpreted by Vox. My file names are so random that this is not gonna help. Is there any way to get the file location info to the payload file from the WMC or MP scan for example, but read the Artist and Track name info from the ID3 tag?

General Discussion / Re: Eventghost broadcasts as events?
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:03:28 PM »
but you can also do this without using eventghost.

Groups can be automatically associated with a program.  Right-click a group and check out the properties.

Events are also generated automatically in VC when programs gain and lose focus.

I know that. However eventghost allows me to use stuff like "mediaportal long video pause" and so on that I already use to trigger my lights on when I pause playback. It'll be easier this way.

About the script, is the u'event' something I leave untouched and the u'test.thing&&payload' is the part I modify?

General Discussion / Eventghost broadcasts as events?
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:21:55 PM »
I was just trying to set up a few things to get rid of some false positives when typing on keyboard and so on. I would need to disable some groups when I don't have certain activities running. For example launching MediaPortal triggers an Eventghost macro that enables MP groups in Voxcommando. When I start playing a file on MP it would disable a few of the navigation groups to avoid false positives on short words in the program. I know how to trigger these events on Eventghost and I can receive these in Vox, but I don't know how to use them. Dragging them to the editor results in a Unknown Action Error.

The message I'm trying to send with the broadcaster is MediaPortalOn without any payload. What Vox receives is:
(wlan-icon) MediaPortalOn&&
(cogwheel icon) MediaPortalOn:

Hovering cursor over the cogwheel shows "Error: Unknown Action". Is it possible to make VC do what I want?

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 2.0
« on: February 04, 2014, 12:36:54 PM »
Thank you. Bought and waiting for the test version of 2.0 now. :)

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 2.0
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:40:53 AM »
It is important to note that the alternate engine which supports more languages, does not support payload dictation. So for example you won't be able to do websearches unless you provide it with a payloadxml etc.

Can you elaborate this? By not supporting "payload dictation" do you mean it requires or does not work with an xml file? For me it's not a problem if it still supports the xml files, that's all I use VC anyway, just making sure it'll work before I give you my money :)

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 2.0
« on: February 04, 2014, 08:33:56 AM »
Do you have knowledge on what languages the new recognition engine will support and can you shed some light on what it will be? Google supports Finnish which would be great, but for now I've been using English as Voxcommando gives much more options than even Google Now + Tasker + Eventghost.

Feature Requests / Re: Android VoxWav
« on: January 08, 2014, 09:48:55 AM »
I haven't really tested the battery usage yet. I'm thinking I might have a wired Android device doing this stuff. There are two options I've found so far: AutoVoice has the ability to listen to Tasker commands all the time and OpenMic+ that works with Google Now and can actually change the "okay google" hotword as well. Autovoice can be configured to work with or without a hotword via Tasker.

The Motorola Moto X has a processor dedicated for speech recognition. That way the battery drain should be very low and the quality of the recognition very high. I don't think the phone has been released on the European market yet and I'm pretty sure it's the only phone with this option right now.

Feature Requests / Re: Android VoxWav
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:25:40 AM »
This might be interesting as well:

Right now I can use Google Now + Auto Voice + AutoRemote + Tasker to launch stuff on my PC via the Google Now search. However I'm missing some options I have in VoxCommando (Mainly the mpwifi plugin that controls MediaPortal) and for those I have to launch VoxWav. If it would be possible to use either Tasker or the Google Now Api to talk to VoxWav which would give orders to VoxCommando, I wouldn't have to use anything else than Google Now to control everything in my home. That and a phone like Moto X with integrated speech recognition processor would mean less battery drainage and always on speech recognition with unlimited options.

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