I think you are talking about the payload that is attached to the event that is fired when the wav is actually saved, not the "the {1} variable when the SaveWav action takes place" because I don't know what that means.
You want to extrapolate only the filename, but in fact ShoutOut2013_8_2_23_18.wav is the filename. What you really want to do is to remove the date I guess. You can do this using regex.
I understand that "ShoutOut2013_8_2_23.18.wav" is the filename, but the variable {1} returns the full path and extension as well, so I'm left with something that looks this "Z:/Library/Shoutouts/ShoutOut2013_8_2_23.18.wav" What I am wanting to work out how to do is extrapolate just the file-name, specifically the date saved to that file-name.
The payload {1} returns the fullpath/filename/extention. I don't know how to be any clearer. Sorry.
I'm not familiar with the expression "where I only carry the", and I'm not sure what format of filename you ultimately want to end up with. Anyway. Why don't you just add reply1 to the end of the filename? Why does it need to be in front of the date?
It could be at the end, trust me I tried that first, but I can't work out how to remove the ".wav" so I get "ShoutOUt2013_8_2_23.18.wav.reply1.wav" and this causes havoc on the playback of the wave file for reasons unknown.
The expression "where I only carry the"? Okay, where I only keep the, where I only retain the, where I only hold on to the.
Not even close. That format only relates to the xJson.Parsetokens action, which is used to parse the json result returned by XBMC. This does not relate to what you are doing here at all.
Well I'm trying to understand
!!! I'll look into regex. hopefully there's some documentation regarding it. I have no issue with reading on documentation when trying to understand all this if you could be so kind as to point me in the right direction.