WAY Off Topic / Paul's new YouTube channel
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:51:25 PM »
Hi all,
Hope you're all well. It's been too long. I've had a rubbish 6 months working at a dreadful company that sapped the life out of me, but I am now free of that nightmare and so hopefully will be returning soon to do some more home automation videos.
I'm the mean time I've started a comedy channel for a bit of fun.
Check it out if you've got a bit of time to kill
Hope you're all well. It's been too long. I've had a rubbish 6 months working at a dreadful company that sapped the life out of me, but I am now free of that nightmare and so hopefully will be returning soon to do some more home automation videos.
I'm the mean time I've started a comedy channel for a bit of fun.
Check it out if you've got a bit of time to kill