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Messages - ThermoDust

Pages: [1]
I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.930
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:33:39 AM »

so that you can switch between controlling different XBMC machines.

Win! Thank you!

General Discussion / Re: Microphone + Picking up TTS
« on: November 21, 2011, 03:44:02 PM »
Ok, do you mean this example?

You: Computer, reboot "xyz"

VC: are you really sure to reboot the system "xyz"?

You: Yes, do it -->counter 10sec.(between 0-10 sec. you can cancel this command) -->"xyz" reboot
You: No, cancel -->VC do nothing

Is this scenario correct?

Yep, thats what I want.

You are in luck.  This feature is part of the new version which I am releasing this morning. :)

Basically how it works is that whenever a command is triggered that requires confirmation, an event is generated with the name of the command.  So you can use that event to make VC ask a question using TTS.

The rest of the problem with the count down should be possible, but is a bit tricky.  You would need to use a combination of usertimer, uservariable, and a logic block.

Feature Requests / Re: XBMC.SetServer
« on: November 21, 2011, 03:42:00 PM »
I think your question is not very well phrased, which is leading to some confusion.  Is it possible that you want VoxCommando to be able to control multiple machines, each with XBMC running on it?  And you want a command to be able to say

- "OK now I want to control XBMC on the machine at"
- "Party Mode"
- "OK now I want to control XBMC on the machine at"
- "Play Movie Avatar"


( obviously you would use easier to say Phrases ;) )

If that is the case, let me know.  It is not possible but I can probably add the ability soon if you want.

This that is what I am talking about. I would love it if you can add a feature like this as I want to control mutiple rooms with XBMC running in them.

Feature Requests / XBMC.SetServer
« on: November 21, 2011, 05:16:25 AM »
Can we get an option to change the location that XBMC would talk to. XBMC.SetServer

General Discussion / Re: Microphone + Picking up TTS
« on: November 21, 2011, 05:13:08 AM »
That informatin I found, what I wanted was a way to make a confirm option that would speak to me and not just pause the script. That way I do not need to be in front of screen to know it is waiting.

General Discussion / Re: Microphone + Picking up TTS
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:30:17 PM »
Sorry, I guess I should focus on asking one question and getting one task done just my brain is thinking of so many ideas for this program and I can't help but not to much at once as I really am digging this program and its potential.

So, my first question is about the MustConfirm. From what I can tell the MustConfirm pauses the command and waits for a response. But what I would like is have a MustConfirm pause but speak a question. An example would be I am trying to setup a command to have Vox send a command to a computer to restart but I would like it to verbaly confirm with me that I want to restart then after I say confirm a count down starts. But during the count down I can say cancel reboot for machine blah and have it stop the reboot command.

General Discussion / Re: Microphone + Picking up TTS
« on: November 20, 2011, 01:12:34 AM »
Oh, two more questions. One what is the command that I can use in the a=b area of logic that repersents the phrase that vox heard to triger the event? And last question is there a way to have a must confirm that interacts with the a=b? Like a delay or while/if loop? Example would be:

if a=b then ask question would you like an apple today? wait for response if response = yes do this if not do this?

General Discussion / Re: Microphone + Picking up TTS
« on: November 20, 2011, 01:08:21 AM »
Okay, I am using prefix mode and it still thinks I say the word to activate it some times. I guess I will just have to play around with the prefix word to make work better... but even with a simple problem like that I think I am still going to buy vox as it is working great and its fun.

General Discussion / Microphone + Picking up TTS
« on: November 19, 2011, 01:33:36 AM »
So, I am getting close to being able to walk around my apartment and able talk to my computer. However it seems that when the TTS is talking back to me my mic will pickup its voice and try to carry out commands. Can I put a stop listen to mic in the logic when playing a TTS voice so it only starts to listen again after it is done speaking?

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