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Messages - Christian

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ok, cool :)

Hi James!

I'm currently helping a guy with some beta testing of an event ghost android remote called terRemote. It's a nice little app that is turning out quite functional and handy.
If you want, I can ask him if he can help you if you are stuck. Don't know if he has any knowlege around that field, but it won't hurt to ask either..
Maybe you guys even can make som form of integration of some sort..?


Feature Requests / MSagent and Kinect
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:44:31 PM »

I know that VC's main purpose is voice, but since it is possible to use msagents and the kinect, it would be fun to have the posibility to combine the functionality so the msagent's eyes could follow you around and when you leave your position.

Leaving the sofa - msagent looks at your new position.
Leaving the room - msagent looks sad.
Point finger at cam - msagent looks scared

Hi James!

Nice to know, I will check it out :)


I've started to look a bit into aiml again, and so far I have implemented some packs and there are now around 95000 so called categories on this bot.

I have not had the time to test it that much yet, but I will look into it soon.

Well I think my post was a bit wrong written last night, It was late and I had some beers, so to try to make some more sense;

- I thought it was some kind of help function on the existing Vox bot, but I was porbably wrong.. Think I am mixing it up with something else I was looking into at that time, and yes I can see the challange of making a bot for help topics.

-When I ment payloads I ment inside the bot (maby payload is the wrong word), something like this:

When brewing beer, and it is time to boil in some hops;
Pandorabot: Start preparing Amarillo hops for boiling (PAUSE 5MIN)
Pandorabot: cook amarillo hops now (PAUSE 10MIN)
Pandorabot: Start preparing cascade hops (PAUSE 5MIN)

VC says: Start preparing Amarillo hops for boiling
VC waits: 5 min
VC: says cook amarillo hops now
and so on..

Not sure how it would work and not sure if it is possible to make som kind of "code" inside the bot that VC could fetch without reading it aloud, but just make an event from..

I don't have that much spare time these days, but I would like to look some more into the Pandorabot field again and see if I can figure out something.
If you want James, I can see if I have those files I was talking about..

I just checked this function out when it was released and mayby you guys have done some work on it since then, but as far as I can remeber it was mainly a help function for VC (?)..

I once tried to set up a pandorabot, and as far as I can remember it was possible to import a lot of different "sets" of dialouges to the bot, so you didn't had to program everything your self, and I think I found some packs with these kind of questions, like general kowlege, some history facts and stuff... Is it an Idea to make a voxbot that users can upload into a shared bot?
Upload it to a forum thread and some moderators imports them? that way everyone could use it, or otherwise use the uploaded files in their own bot?

Hi guys!

This looks interesting.
But I have a question, is there any way to set up mumble (or skype) in a way that I don't need the virtual line in ports that was used in the explenation of the skype install?

What I want is a solution that could work both by phone and by mic at the same time.
When I installed skype last time to work with VC, I had to swich manually between the mic and the viretual line in port. This was in a way a bit unpractical since I used both for different areas in my home.

But again this sounds like a interesting SW with a lot of different posibilities..


crossing my fingers that it will ;)

General Discussion / Re: 2-year anniversary of the VC-Forum
« on: June 29, 2012, 06:14:40 AM »
Congratulations with the 2 years of forum day yesturday.. ;D

Wow, I've been away for a while now and just sat down to continue where I left my HA project and I can see a lot has happend since I used VC last...
I'm now using 0,931 and now 0.939 is out..

Seems like I have a lot to look into the next couple of days. :D

Quick question, what is the best way to update VC?
Is it a fresh install or copying the latest over the older?
I have tried to find some info on the forum, but i have not found any solid info.
Know Kalle has posted that his "updates" works well, so I assume it is possible, as long as it is not to many new features and the GUI has the same layout, am i right?


Hi again James,

As allways, you're the man!

I thought the standard settings for send and recieve was correct, since I can't remember that I've changed them earlier.
I Changed the listen port from 33000 to 33333 but that didn't help, but now I set both send and recieve to 33333 in VC and that gave results.. :)

Thanks again! ::banana

Hi James (or anybody)!

After my reinstall of OS and installation of the last VC and EG, EG does not recieve commands from VC.
EG recieves from my phone and other EG computers, just not VC.

any Ideas?

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version 0.930
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:57:26 PM »
Hehe, thanks :)

Took me 5 hours but now I'm all done installing Vista on a new home server.

Installed 0.931 and it works again (just don't have my old config and unsure on how to get it back)
The old config was on a w7 x64 and now I'm on Vista x86 so it would be great if someone told me how to get it back..

another thing is that VC 0.931 sometimes give me an error but I have an option to ignore it or close VC.
If I ignore it everything seems ok..

Attached the error log and hope it helps (learned from last time I just wrote about a silly error :P )

Luckily this problem is gone now, so everything seems to be ok in vista when it comes to mute/unmute and on/off.. :D

Thanks anyway for the tips!  :)

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