I've had great success so far with getting VC setup to handle my home automation. I have all my Hubitat controlled
lights switches and plugs working through VC. I'm now adding the thermostats and entertainment center devices and I don't anticipate any issues there.
The goal in my case is to eliminate the need for the echo dots I have throughout the house. To get to that point I have a hardware challenge to overcome and a few functionality challenges. I'm hoping by listing them out here I can get some advice and pointers on resources to help get my over the goal line
Hardware ChallengeMultiple input devices. I am testing a mic array from Seeed Studio
https://www.seeedstudio.com/ReSpeaker-USB-Mic-Array-p-4247.html that seems to be working well so far. But, to cover my entire house I will need to place at least 4 mics. I don't see anyway in Windows or VC to select multiple mics. If it's there I looked right past it. However, I am wondering if there might be a software based mixer that I could use to aggregate all the mic inputs and then make the mixers output the input source for VC.
Software ChallengesI have been asked by the family to make sure VC can handle all the common functions they presently use the echo dots for. These include:
- Asking for Weather information
- Asking for Time
- Managing a shopping list that can be accessed from their phones
- Managing timers and alarms
- Basic Math
I have the weather plugin loaded and running but I haven't figured out how to use the TTS plugin to speak the weather when VC is asked. As for the rest of the list, I have not started on those items other than looking for resources to see if they are possible and if so, how.
Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Tom G.