What is a good microphone for speech recognition? / Re: Good mic in 2020
« on: July 24, 2020, 08:18:57 AM »
That is a pitty. Im using hubitat smart home hub and would be able to control everything via voxcommando - and this locally. So no cloud listening and no lag at all. But without a decent mic its all useless. I believe so far no one has found a way to directly connect alexas or google mics to voxcommando? Also what do you mean with what you said about the wakeword and cloud? I thought voxcommando could also be triggered by wakeword?
I found a lot of multimic arrays on amazon (jabra, emeet) that should function like an echo/echo dot. They are used for conference meetings. But I have no idea how far inferior these are to the mic arrays used in an echo dot.
Also I read stuff about boundary mics which should be good for voxcommando. What about the current beyerdynamic ones? https://www.beyerdynamic.de/bm-32-b.html
I found a lot of multimic arrays on amazon (jabra, emeet) that should function like an echo/echo dot. They are used for conference meetings. But I have no idea how far inferior these are to the mic arrays used in an echo dot.
Also I read stuff about boundary mics which should be good for voxcommando. What about the current beyerdynamic ones? https://www.beyerdynamic.de/bm-32-b.html