I took the liberty of filling out your web form a few times, and I think James did as well.
yes he definetly did. james seems quite full of himself. rightfully so.
We did find an error in the construct_page command. The last action is trying to launch the local php file instead of the web page. We changed the command to:
this is quite intentional since i found no cool way to manage the upload-management. the system is in constant danger of overwriting already existing entries on the webspace. some kind of automation that checks the existing entries, appends them to the new txts would solve that. but do you know of any "slick" way to do an automatic ftp upload after creation? i need this system to be really public available since i harvest my friends for textblocks for quite some time now. its hillarious (about 120 different "context"-blocks by now as i call it. it feels like a rude and misguided AI i lost control over... your entries are now part of the collection btw and they fit quite well)
2. I notice that you're using PY.ExecString > result = 'string' to set your {LastResult} variable. Is there a reason you're not using the Results.SetLastResult action?
no, no particular reason.
3. On my server I ran into some 500 errors when setting the file permissions. For our users who're comfortable setting public permissions on their website in order to make this work, just a note that you might still need to debug a bit to find which permissions settings will work on your server.
i really would like to know so much more about this topic... i did 777 because i dont know better.
I think this is a really cool idea for people who have a website. I personally am not that comfortable with the security aspect. That is always up to each person to decide what works for them, of course.
do you have any idea of how to get rid of this concerns?
James and I were brainstorming about other possible implementations, possibly using Dropbox. We'll let you know if/when we come up with something. Sometimes it's interesting to compare how different people solve the same challenge.
it induces endless joy to hear that!!!
if we can work around dropbox i would highly appreciate it since their service kind of su.... nowadays. but whatever works i guess.
what i really also want to achive is to provide an interface to external users to also create "questions" that are automatically added on restart of voxcommande. the answers also need aditionial values to be set so they work optimally with the much bigger interfacesystem (personalitysimulator, tamagochi, whatever) for voxcommandoi am quite working on*.
there would be endless possibilities to create/grow different "AI experiences" (whatever this is...) for the people out there that completly escape the imagination of the user itself. or it would be just funny to see how people load different grown personalities of other users and stuff like that. a database of different "personalities" like "butler", "teacher", "crazy catlady", "girlfriend/boyfriend" think of a lot of siris without being so uptitght and 100% customisable in its behaviour with special commands attached to them). or let your girlfriend make a boring version that pretends to be her so she has the feeling of being part of the voxcommando-experience and suddenly finds it cute when you ignore her because of configuring....(yes, i know that was oddly specific)
*(heeeey..... actually.....it works really well already.... you didnt see it yet because right now there would be copyrightcomplications with a japanese hentai-simulator-manufactor - but i am working on that
) you will meet "Dominique" soon enough in whatever form. if you liked this you will love that
***EDITED my syntax on james.