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Messages - Aaron_lloyd

Pages: [1]
Hey, kind of a newbie but has anyone set up VoxCommando to open live TV channels in Kodi by name. Does anyone know what the JSON or built-in function command for doing that would be?

I already have Vox grabbing the data from xbmcTvChannels.xml. Would that contain channel names? Even if it didn't I'd be fine setting up commands for every channel manually if I had to.

What version of VoxCommando are you using?  I actually can't answer your question until I know the version number because we made changes to the repository in the latest version ( because we had to move it to GitHub.

I'm using (the latest stable), I'll try using the repository that comes with the beta and let you know if that includes the voxtools. Thanks.

EDIT: That did it. The Repository in the beta has the add on there. Installing the repository also got party mode voice activation working.   ;D


"it's needed to help communication from VC to Kodi"

What's needed? An addon? Because that's what I'm saying is missing, the repository is empty and repository on its own does nothing.

"if you want to set the volume level in Kodi from Voxcommando then you would need the VoxTools addon to use XJson.SetVol"

That doesn't appear to be the case as this seems to work perfectly for me. Thankfully :)

"for your party mode command that is not working, can your share the command xml here so we can test it and see whats not working, "

It's all still just the defaults;

- <command id="275" name="Party mode" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
- <action>
- <params>
  <phrase optional="true">begin, start, play</phrase>
  <phrase>party mode</phrase>

Aaron_lloyd Welcome to the Forum,  :)

The VoxTools Add-on isn't run from kodi, it is used by Voxcommando.

it is needed for certain actions such as XJson.SetVol, XJson.SmartPL, and XJson.VoxTools (youtube search)

XJson.VoxTools, is no longer required to perform a youtube search, jitterjames shared the new method here -

Why is there a repository for Kodi then? And why is there a mention in the Json.ExecBuiltin action description about needing it? I came across this when I tried to figure out why the party mode command wasn't working...

Hey, so I was just trying to install the VoxTools add-on for Kodi 15.2. The repository that the wiki instructs to install seems to either be broken or empty. :/

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