I am just trying out vox commando but I ran into a issue with mediamonkey.
After Startup I am getting the following errors:
- Error opening group srgs file: srgs\en-GB_MM Play Music by Name.cfg (vox-error-1.png)
- Failed to create cfg srgs\en-GB_MM Play Music by Name.cfg (vox-error-2.png)
I have notices that the Commands in the Group MM Play Music by Name is not working properly
(Pretty sure that its caused by these errors)
A few infos about my environment:VC Environment:I am using the default configuration for media monkey (I have only changed the speech recognizer culture to en-gb; But the problem also occurs when the culture is set to en-us)
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bit joined into a AD Domain
Install Location and Program Execution: VC is installed on a non-system-drive so there shouldnt be any UAC issues. I tried running it as Administrator, but the error still occured.
I would really appreciate any help with this problem