« on: December 18, 2014, 03:44:40 PM »
Well, I can tell you it has something to do with the sound output of XBMC on my HTPC and the Kinect AEC setting. If I change the sound output from WASAPI HDMI to DirectSound HDMI, I am able to use XBMC normally until I play any music or video. Doing that brings back the Wave.Reco.Complete event and hangs Vox. Turning off AEC allows everything to work normally with kinect.
So, this is probably something unique to my setup maybe. I go from HTPC to receiver using HDMI and I have passthrough enabled, but not sure I actually need that as my HTPC can handle DTS-HD and whatnot on its own. No matter which output I use, Vox always throws an error on the TTS.SpeakSync that is set to fire when you start playing a movie and it doesn't actually say anything. Otherwise, TTS works normally.
Not sure if it's worth your time to look at a log as this seems specific to something in my setup, but I can make it throw the repeating Wave.Reco.Complete and get you the log if you'd like.