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Bug Reports / Re: Trial Version Warning
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:12:50 PM »
No, you are fine, because you were just reactivating a machine that was activated before.  So you can still activate another computer if you wish. In your case I think it did not reactivate itself automatically because your mac address seems to have changed.

Great thanks, i moved from wifi to hard wire. that might explain the mac changing

Bug Reports / Re: Trial Version Warning
« on: June 13, 2016, 05:41:26 PM »
i had this issue also, i had to put in my existing key. Can you check if i am a key down now?

awesome!!!!!!!!!  :yay

thanks didn't even know they had one.  this will definitely make things easier.

I actually started looking into another direction, I am trying to leverage the windows 10 notification to generate a trigger so VC can open the app once there is motion or someone has rung the doorbell. But there is no LOGS for notification center , I could of created an event trigger off that but no luck. The other thing im looking at is if the ring app writes to a file every time it detects motion or a doorbell ring. the path to the app is C:\program files\windowsapps\

you have any ideas?



great thanks Ill give this a try.

nice!!!! can you share how you set this up?

General Discussion / Re: Password for proceeding with command
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:12:21 AM »
thanks James, that will work for me.

General Discussion / Re: Password for proceeding with command
« on: August 26, 2015, 02:48:21 PM »
ok, I can give that a shot, but would of liked something that gives you 10secs to confirm or you have to repeat the whole phrase again. just makes it a little harder to keep guessing. rather than the passphrase always being available if someone shouts out words.

if that makes sense

General Discussion / Password for proceeding with command
« on: August 26, 2015, 02:31:45 PM »

does anyone know how I can put a passphrase for a certain command.


I tell VC "unlock front door please" , VC responds with "Sure, Please tell me the passphrase in order to proceed." you tell VC the passphrase and it will continue the command. similar to the must confirm option but this will only require one word to accept.

hope this is clear enough.
any ideas?

 thanks in advance.

Great! I can benefit from this also. As i use the ring video doorbell quite often. let me give this a shot and see..

thanks again guys

As of yet there is no Echo Integration with VC that I am aware of, But you can accomplish pretty much everything you mentioned using VoxCommando with an open mic setup and Jarvis being the prefix to your commands. you can install VC on your HTPC use USBUIRT to turn on tv, cable box etc... Your HTPC can be controlled with VoxCommando buy leveraging the KODI plugin and other plugins mentioned on VC's Wiki. Also you can look into global tach IR which works over wifi

other members here can chime in and add any additional info i may have missed, but there are plenty of options using VC, that is the beauty of it.

hope this helps a little

I guess no ecobee3 users on this forum huh  :o

I thought this would be a good addition based on using the occupancy sensors that ecobee has also

nevermind i figured it out, it was to use {Match.1}   :bonk

ok so I finally made some progress here using Robo Browser an using RoboB.GetHTML to scrape for the temperature digits which worked. How do you use the Results.RegEx output for TTS to speak it.

i have osd.showText with parameter {LastResult} but its showing me the HTML output not the Results.RegEx output. hope this is clear 

see my xml

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="1379" name="RoboB_test" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
    <params />
    <params />

Pages: [1] 2 3 4