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Messages - keithj69

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Other Plugins / Re: Hue scenes: multiple entries
« on: October 11, 2014, 05:58:02 PM »
Thanks for the explanation.  

I will post new features here (LEGACY BOARD ONLY) / Re: Version
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:15:56 PM »
getting an error in wunderground weather with latest alpha. picture attached

Other Plugins / Hue scenes: multiple entries
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:52:45 AM »
vc (tested with also with the same results)
I am seeing multiple scenes in the scenes editor that i do not have in my Hue app/site.   It appears that it is keeping the edits to scenes as scenes.  The extra repeated scenes are not the same.  According to the hue app and site I have 9 scenes.
I have deleted the xmls from huepayloads, restarted, and even without the xml's there, it is seeing the scenes/groups/lights.    I have renames folders that are  in my backups just in case there is some sort of static link in setup.
Is this by chance normal?  Is there a way i can edit out scenes I don't want to use?  Maybe i am just missing a step in a process.

Other Plugins / Re:
« on: October 11, 2014, 10:24:48 AM »
I ran into this last weekend setting up my hue. 
If you are running the alpha version 2.1.03 of vc, try the following.  Down load the current stable version of vc.  Shutdown the alpha version.  Set up the stable version in is own folder and use the hue setup.  Once running, pair the stable to the hue. Shutdown stable. Start up alpha. You should be paired.

Not sure if has this issue.

I just tested using SendToDropBox from my gmail webmail account and it works perfectly with &&

So, this means you can put any actions you want in the body of the email.

I'm not sure what else you need, but if this does not cover you then consider looking at the watcher plugin settings again.  You can do more advanced things by using the event based trigger at the bottom.

i'll play around with it. thanks. 

Not sure where the &amp was coming from.  I did try it from my pc (gmail) that was set to send in plaintext and then from my cell. Both times the formatting was wrong. I am assuming it is coming from the first gmail hop in the recipe.  The testing i did with email to sendtodropbox just worked.
I understand about putting the command in the body, but i am looking at it more broad than just me.  I couldn't imagine trying to get a non-geek person to remember to add these things.  

This is starting to get off track from the original context of the post.  In the beginning playing with ifttt was fun and cool.  But i see ifttt as a vulnerability in the wait.  Right now, against better judgement, I have to many things in ifttt attached to my various site accounts.  Ifttt is a perfect starting place for hackers.  Yes it is easy to set up other accounts and use them.  But I really do not want to have to go through the process of setting up multiple accounts again.  

Honestly at this point I am not going to do much more with ifttt for the reasons I gave above. And yes, I understand all approaches to this has its insecurities.  It is time to get down and dirty with learning the full power of vc to accomplish the things i want with watcher.

Attaching a picture of the sendtodropbox options in case you or others haven't seen it.

I have tested sending email from my gmail account to IFTTT and when the files arrive in my dropbox all '&'s are in tact and work correctly.  I'm not sure what you are doing differently.  How are you sending your emails?

I don't really know what you mean when you say "forward gmail" or what you mean by "label".

I would like to be able to help you.  I see no limitations on being able to send any commands to VC using the
Code: [Select]
email >> IFTTT >> Dropbox >> watcher method.  I'm not sure what is gong wrong for you.  Maybe you are using an unusual method of sending mail.

Sent you a pm. 
In all honesty, I do not want to use ifttt for this.  To many hops that can cause failure.  See my pm.

I actually just found a solution, completely by accident. To a point.
If you sign up here, you have the option to send text files to dropbox in the form of an email.  As long as you have proper formatting like tts.speak&&testing this out, it will work.  And it is much quicker than ifttt.  Is there a way to add an option to watcher to append a text file with a command? Should i go to the feature request section?

I am thinking a check box for append and a blank area to add your command that is added to the beginning of the text in the file. heck the subject could be a trigger as to what is appended.
edit...maybe a group/commands that watches and can trigger based on file name/ turned off by voice, so people do not abuse if you forget about it.  
edit2. just checked.  Subject is file name and body is text that is read.
edit3. bummer, i tried to using ifttt to forward gmail based on label to my sendtodropbox, but it formatted like this "tts.speak&&there is a party in my pants, and you are not invited."  the good news is it was quick. i didn't see a way to change/strip formatting in labels. I am done for the night.  I have been consumed with this project for the last day. I am at a happy stopping point.

edit4: cleaned up

I have read this post over about 12 times and I just can't seem to distill it down into something I can really understand.

If possible do you think you could rephrase it in a less "stream of consciousness" style?

Is there something in particular that you are trying to accomplish, but are unable to get working the way you want?

I was pretty flustered last night, sorry.  I had ifttt fighting with me and Lemon (vc) chirping out and turning things on and off while the tv was on.  Still trying to figure the mic location and sensitivity settings.

What i was trying to accomplish is simple.  I receive an email (gmail) and it puts it in dropbox/watch folder, then read out. 
I figure it could be a cool party trick.  or even used if someone was home, but they were purposely ignoring the phone/email/text.  I was trying to use email instead of sms, because i do not want to give out my phone number to everyone, and it is easier to create a new email account for these purposes.   
What i figured out is it has to be as plain text. Not a big deal for me to set things to plain text, but playing tech support isn't ideal for something so trickish. 

After all the back and forth with testing last night, i have come to the conclusion that ifttt is a cool novelty, but really shouldn't be used for something serious and timely. 
I think for my party trick it will be easier to set up a rasp pi webserver and setup an interface to allow people locally connected to play around. at least i know it will be near instant and not 30 seconds - 1 hour.

I have a meeting to run to right now. I will look at the code after.  Thank you and I promise to try not to do to many more stream of consciousness ramblings on here.

General Discussion / Re: Problem running Ivona with VC
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:23:33 AM »
Also, make sure you have ivona set as default in windows itself.  And make sure you have all the windows updates.

General Discussion / Re: Problem running Ivona with VC
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:03:50 AM »

what version of Ivona are you running before/after refresh?  where you running 8.1 before the refresh?  32 bit or 64 bit?  You may need to uninstall and reinstall ivona.   

be very aware that if you are using email to send alerts for tts, it has to be plain text.  I can pass vera commands, so gmail isn't a complete waste. using labels in gmail to trigger commands based on subject is very doable.  
I wish the watch folder could do something with the email.  I want to have it where anyone can email in to trigger tts.  My thinking on it is this.  Someone is home ignoring the phone and email.  Bam vc to the rescue.  "honey don't forget to walk the dog."  A remote voice.  actually that is easy with James' ifttt recipe and your personal email account.  
How about friends sending things over vc during a party? (yes i can use a raspberry pi, set up a mail server, register a domain....)

 :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk :bonk

edit--it can be done with sms.  but the trigger word is still there. It's a start.

the format of the email that comes across


the "..." is part of the body of the email.  It's not the greatest thing, but if you do not have something electronic on that reports emergency alerts, it is better than not being prepared.

A recipe I cobbled together so I can receive emergency weather alerts.

Maybe this should go in XML subforum.  Or Maybe we need an IFTTT sub now.

"Open air" and "whole home" microphones / Re: Polycom ef2280 detailed setup
« on: September 21, 2014, 05:42:40 PM »
I am using the conferencing software.  Still trying to get the hang of it.  It really is forcing me to rtfm. :bonk

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