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Messages - OklahomaGreyBeard

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Other Plugins / Re: TTS Pitch?
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:40:44 AM »
So the pitch would have to be changed on each command? I'm experimenting with different "personas" that each person could choose to interact with (kind of making the computer schizophrenic) so if I say, Is Alexander there? all tts commands after would use that voice, alternatively my daughter says hello Sally and it changes the voice. However while the default setting for the voice I'm using for Sally is fine, the voice for Alexander sounds much better with the pitch set 2 levels down. Being able to set it once with the set voice command would be what I'm after.

(edit) maybe I could experiment with replacing the values from a payloads xml file using a global variable? ie set each tts response to include the xml pitch setting but replace that setting based on which voice is active?

(edit 2) It seems that the xml pitch setting does not work when using the IVONA voice engine...

Other Plugins / TTS Pitch?
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:38:10 PM »
Am I just missing it or is there not an option to adjust the pitch and speed of the voice used for tts?

General Discussion / Re: Replace all?
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:39:26 PM »
Absolutely perfect. family.xml did exactly what I wanted. You gotta love the support and community for this program.

General Discussion / Replace all?
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:57:18 AM »
Is there an option somewhere to replace various words with a key word on a global level? ie: My Wife, Jen, Mom, are all replaced with Jennifer.

For example, I say "What time will Jen (or My Wife) be home?" or my daughter says "What time will mom be home?" and in both instances VC recognizes it as "What time will Jennifer be home?"

This would make building and modifying a group of commands much easier rather than having to add the possibilities for every new command you create.

MediaMonkey / Re: GenXML Not complete
« on: April 24, 2015, 02:30:49 PM »
Just checked it remotely and it did finish and had a warning asking if I wanted to load such a large XML file. I said no and have decided to rethink my music policies.

I come from a time where if you wanted a song to listen to at home you bought this giant black cd and got all the songs whether you wanted them or not. Then this great thing called a cassette tape made it even better. Every album I have as flac or mp3 is complete (even if the tags aren't) this includes duplicate albums just because one may have a different mix or solo. Perhaps it's time to clean house and create a separate collection of just the stuff I like and archive the rest. But then again, sometimes you find a "new" song having that many on random play.

MediaMonkey / Re: GenXML Not complete
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:47:03 AM »
Strangely there was a filter in the plugin SongRating=>70 but for the life of me I can't remember ever putting it in there.  :bonk

We'll see what happens in a few hours when it's done parsing all that info...  :D

MediaMonkey / GenXML Not complete
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:41:58 AM »
I'd gotten lazy and been using Pandora but decided to go back to MM with my own collection (which still needs some tag cleanup) but using the GenXML for MM doesn't come even close to getting everything. The results are:

1674 songs
400 artists
272 albums
74 album artists
82 genres
9 playlists (the only one right)

The actual in MM is

138891 songs
10399 artists
9007 albums
2964 album artists
1029 genres
9 playlists

Can't figure out why it doesn't find everything.

Granted I do need to do a lot of cleanup and data scrubbing on the info, but it won't change the fact that there are almost 140,000 songs and it only seems to have found 1674 of those.

Most of my control will be telling it to use playlists and rating of songs anyway, but I still wonder why it missed so much.

General Discussion / You win
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:39:19 PM »
ok, when I walked into the house with my wife and son and said "Alexander, we're home" and in his best british tone he replied, welcome home m'lord is Kadin with you? and I replied yes Kadin is with us and he said "Kadin, I am so pleased that you're home, I've been waiting for you all day" and it turned on the tv to his cartoons and set all the hue lights to ninja turtle colors, my wife said only one thing... Why haven't you bought this software yet.  :biglaugh

Just ordered my license.....


Integration Ideas / Who's talking
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:26:18 PM »
I'm just getting started with VC and this may be a pipe dream, but can VC distinguish who is speaking? ie:

I say "Good morning Jarvis, what is my schedule for the day?" and after checking my the calendar have it reply, "Good morning sir, you have blah blah at 2:00 This afternoon. is there anything else?"

If my wife says the same thing it checks her calendar and says "Good morning m'lady, you have blah blah at 10:00 this morning. is there anything else?"

In other words I don't want to have to say, Good morning Jarvis, this is GreyBeard, what is my schedule for the day?


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