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Topics - ibanez6

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VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Problems With Virtual Audio Cable
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:00:11 PM »
Hello! So I've recently started using VoxCommando and have been loving it! The possibilities are endless with this little application and I've already had a lot of fun controlling media playback and other things with my voice.

Basically, I'm running VoxCommando on my Dell laptop which also acts as my media server. I'm using Skype on my iPhone to call into another Skype account on my server which then passes the audio through Virtual Audio Cable. It's been working great!

Well.. At least it WAS until today. Now for some reason, I'm not able to get any audio into VoxCommando. I can see under the windows recording devices panel that when I speak, there is audio on Virtual Audio Cable 1. I have even routed that cable into one of my audio recording applications to test and it works just fine.

After some messing around, I opened the TTS control panel outside of VoxCommando (through windows control panel), and have verified that the TTS recognition is no longer able to receive audio via Virtual Audio Cable. When I set the input to my built in laptop mic it works just fine and I can see the meter showing a signal. But when I use the Virtual Audio Cable as the input, it receives absolutely nothing.

I've tried restarting the computer multiple times. I've tried a fresh installation of VoxCommando (although the problem seems to be with the TTS engine itself). At this point I'm at a loss for what changed in the last 12 hours to make this not work anymore.

Has anyone using the Skype method experienced this issue before? My computer had a TON of windows updates that it went through today, so it's always possible something in there rendered it useless. I haven't really done anything other than that.

Any ideas? I'm going crazy trying to figure this out!!

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