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Topics - Mondo

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Feature Requests / Controlling multiple XBMC instances?
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:09:52 PM »
I've been testing the software and it works great, however it only controls one XBMC at a time.

And I have a request for a functionality that would come in handy for my multi XBMC household.

I have quite a few XBMCs deployed in my house, all of them on LINUX OS, so deploying voxcommando on them can't be done. But they all share the same media, which is a windows server located in the basement, which is where I could deploy voxcommando on.

Now, could it be possible to modify VoxCommando to control multiple XBMC instances by adding the "IN" keyword to the voice commands?

Suppose I have one XBMC in the bedroom, one in the livingroom and one in the kitchen. The commands would be something like:

"Mute on Kitchen"
"Play Song in livingroom"
"Stop Movie in bedroom"

As each XBMC has its own IP address could this XBMC IP list be configured via the Options window,in the same XBMC tab, but in a dropdown combo kinda like this?

Kitchen -->
Bedroom -->
Livingroom -->

And could one of the locations be marked as the "Default", so if I'd only say "Mute" it will mute the default XBMC I have in the list.

That way I can issue commands to any XBMC in the house and use only one VoxCommando front end in the windows central server with a voxwave microphone.


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