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Messages - boutzo

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Sending Corrected Dictation
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:52:49 PM »
Nevermind figured it out with python.  So far working like a charm.  Thanks

General Discussion / Re: Sending Corrected Dictation
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:45:59 PM »
So far so good.  eventghost sends ['Raiders', 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'] How do you only look at the first payload of an array/list?

General Discussion / Re: Sending Corrected Dictation
« on: March 08, 2013, 10:33:14 AM »
Exactly "Star" shows up fine but only returns one phrase that has star in it with phrase.xml.  It's just those words that sound similar "Raiders" translates to "readers" "Cars " (sometimes) translates to "Artist".  My python script goes through my xml file and gets all the movies that has the word I'm looking for in it, if it's the correct word.

But if Raiders translates as readers it will return nothing.  Was looking for something to autocorrect based on my movielist kind of like xbmc loadsmart but for WMC.

Also is there a way to get spoken numbers to show up as numbers.  EX. "21 Jump Street" shows up as "twenty one Jump Street" with dictation or do I have to regex all spoken numbers to numerical numbers ?

Again trying to match what I say againt a list (i.e. Movie Titles) and return best match for just that particular word.

General Discussion / Sending Corrected Dictation
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:39:56 AM »
I'm trying to do a search on my movie collection.  Right now I'm using  payload dictation.  Here's my problem.

If I say the word "Raiders" with payload dictation no matter how I say it, it usually comes out as "readers" and search return nothing.

But if I use an xml payload with phrase only it will auto correct and change it to "Raiders" because thats what it thought I ment, but it will also send as a payload the entire phrase where all I want was the one word.

Basically is there a way to auto correct based on my movie (phrase.xml) and send that corrected word as payload dictation instead of the entire phrase.


XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / Re: Toggle Repeat and Change Skin Views
« on: February 16, 2013, 04:04:36 AM »
No go->didn't work

XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / Re: Toggle Repeat and Change Skin Views
« on: February 15, 2013, 04:16:38 PM »
it happens with scroll left, go left.  I don't know why it happens either my pronunciation isn't that bad.  Maybe it's the cheap Creative microphone.  Guess I'll do more training to see if that helps.

@Kalle I did try adjusting the payloads...No Go.  Also had to do it with "ok" wasn't picking it up untill I changed it to "okay"


XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / Re: Toggle Repeat and Change Skin Views
« on: February 15, 2013, 02:53:19 PM »
Thanks for all the info!!

Haven't gone through all the skins.  To be honest I've been using media browser (I like there look CoverArt, Info, Rotating backdrops, etc...) but there API is no where near as good as XBMC hopefully it will change with MB3 (Out in April).  Not terrible versed in xml so changing xbmc skins to suit me looks quite daunting.

By the way I just used container.nextviewmode to cycle through. Good enough for now.  But the info is good to know.

Side note I've been having problems with Phrases up and left.  If the "T" in left is not annunciated it usually reverts to up.  Will the learn button clear this up?
Do you just check it and say "up" and "left" several times?


XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / Re: Toggle Repeat and Change Skin Views
« on: February 15, 2013, 10:37:09 AM »
Thanks for that. Couldn't be easier.

As for the views,  any idea which xml the id's are usually in. There's like 83 xmls for my skin.  That or what generic term to search for.

Thanks again,

XBMC (Old board see 'KODI' above) / Toggle Repeat and Change Skin Views
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:23:14 PM »
Sort of new to Vox I'm using XBMC Eden

Two Questions:

Is it possible to toggle the repeat song button (one,All) or is it skin dependent right now I'm using PM3.HD My guess it has something to do with manipulating playlists
but just not sure what to do.
Also is it possible to change views from cover flow to thumbs etc..

I have seen a video with someone changing views but after awhile researching I just can't figure out how.

Any help is appreciated.


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