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Messages - DieterClaeys

Pages: [1]
I recently bought a Amazon Fire TV.
I've downloaded KODI onto it and it works fine.

However, for some reason VoxCommando can't make a connection to it :-(
Also I can't ping the address shown in the summary information.

Do I need to make some special settings in my Fire TV?

Other Plugins / Re: Skype Plugin for VoxCommando
« on: January 01, 2017, 07:07:36 PM »
Just want to give a small heads up on the Plugin behavior with the latest version of Skype (Version

1) Generating Payloads --> works
2) Announcing Incoming Calls --> works
3) Announcing Chat Messages --> does not work on my setup.
Although here I am not sure if this should generate a message when you are receive a chat or an sms
4) Accept Incoming Calls --> works
5) Checking who's online/offline --> works
6) Making a call --> does not work, but can be functional when using below code:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="280" name="Skype To {1}" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
    <params />
  <phrase optional="true">To</phrase>
  <payloadFromXML phraseOnly="False" use2partPhrase="False" phraseConnector="by" Phrase2wildcard="anyone" optional="False">payloads\payloadSkype.xml</payloadFromXML>

As my main focus was to get the "calling part" of Skype to work, the Plugin, together with some workarounds, still does the trick.

Its just a pity that Skype removed their support for the Skype Desktop API.

Hi James,

I installed the Speech Platform, followed your movie and it works!
I got myself confused with checking the requirements tab on the Microsoft Website, it not listing Window 10 there :-(

Thanks for the support!

Hi Kalle,

Yeah I am sure.
You have can have the voice talking to you in Dutch, but you can speak to it in Dutch :-(

I still need to look around on the forum too looking for stuff on VoxCommando with Windows 10.
But I can't open VoxCommandoSP as it is saying I dont have Speech Platform installed.

Windows 10 really sucks!!! (pardon my language)

Ok, so I bought one and I have succesfully installed VoxCommando on it and Kodi.
Both are working, I was a little bit affraid on the Wifi (my movies, etc... are on my NAS)

But... here comes the downpart of it...

The operating system is Windows 10.
I was planning on using VoxCommandoSP so I would have Dutch Voice Recognition as well as having it working with a bluetooth device.

Well, apparently Windows 10 does not support Microsoft Speech Pack anymore...
So there goes my complete idea right to the drain. :-(

Hi James & Kalle,

Thanks for your inputs.
I think I will give it a try and go buy one this evening.

I'll keep you posted!


I would like to ask the forum for their opion about the small PC I found in Best Buy (USA)

It's called Lenovo - IdeaCenter Stick and has an Intel Atom processor with 2GB Memory and 32GB Solid State Drive
It has Windows 10 installed and plugs into the back of your TV via a HDMI port.

As I would like to start with VoxCommando, I was thinking of Buying one (it's only 99bucks)
And run VoxCommando and Kodi on it. (movies,TV Shows, etc... are on my QNAP NAS Server)

As microphone I would buy a bluetooth device.

What is the forums opinion, you think this would work?

Hi James,

I believe that I got it working, changing the values in the payload to Dutch days did the trick.

Thanks for the help!

How stupid of me to not check the history, sorry about that :-(
I have 2 Errors.

The first error I have is:
 --> Tools WeekdayToOffset:friday&&True "Error: Parameter for day of week should be an integer or the name of a day of the week.

The second error I have is:
 -->GgCal.GetDay - Reminders Log 2.0- "Error: System FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

I believe the 2nd is a result of the first.

Again, thanks for this XML Exchange and all the help!

Looks like an awsome feature.
I have added it to my voxcommando setup. unfortunately I can't get is working.
I succesfully added the xml as well as the payloads.

It does execute it as well when I call it, but it does not repond correctly.
It always displays: "You have no items on your calendar today", but in reality I have.

I have the GgCal.QuickAdd working fine with my google calendar, so I have no idea what I am doing wrong :-(

The GetEvents button in the GgCal Plugin Settings does work, a pop up is show with all my events for the day I request.

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