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Messages - MMatty1

Pages: [1] 2 3
Other Plugins / Re: usb uirt
« on: April 18, 2021, 11:42:56 PM »
Hey Thanks James That Worked, Don't Know Why I Didn't Think To Try That.. :bonk

Other Plugins / usb uirt
« on: April 17, 2021, 06:31:41 AM »
Hi, long time user and love Vox, im having problem with newest stable version and usb uirt, it keeps saying its not connected but it is, i go into plugin settings to reinitialize but it just keeps saying failed to load, ive gone back to 2.2.40 version as its working in that one fine, but would like to update for new features, any info on the problem would be much appreciated, maybe something im doing wrong but cant work it out,Thanks

XML Exchange / Re: Knock Knock Joke
« on: April 16, 2021, 01:35:27 AM »
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="369" name="Tell me a Kids joke" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="60" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
  <if ifBlockDisabled="False" ifNot="False">
          <param>Knock knock ...</param>
          <param>Knock knock call and answer </param>
          <param>Knock knock call and answer </param>
          <param>Okay Knock knock|Sure Knock knock|you bet Knock knock.|Great idea Knock knock.|If you like. Here's a good one Knock knock.</param>
          <param>Sorry i cant right now try later</param>
  <phrase>Tell me a kids joke</phrase>

Hi Outlaw, This command works for me, I Use RegExSingle Instead Of Regex, Hope It Helps.

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Re: Help with crashing
« on: August 13, 2018, 02:57:18 AM »
Hi James I did disable hook plugin and it is still crashing after a hour so I've emailed my config and thanks for the taking the time to look.

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Help with crashing
« on: August 12, 2018, 04:36:54 PM »
Hi I have been having problems lately with my voxcommando crashing on windows 10 and i am not sure what i have changed to cause this, i have never had crash issues before,it stays open for hour nearly always then just closing without notifying me, here is my voxlog,txt and was hoping someone can see the error or advise me on what i can try?

Sorry cant give more info as dont have any
Sorry if posting wrong board

EDIT--I have just disabled hook plugin as i enabled the for testing but forgot to disable as not using it ill get back if any more crashing.

Awesome thnxxx mate and great command too,and thnxx for the reply.. 😉

Hi just wondering if this will work with Jarvis and krypton? Thnxx in advancd

XML Exchange / Re: Find song info for TV shows
« on: August 14, 2017, 05:09:34 AM »
Hi I haven't used this command for awhile due to upgrading pc, it seems it won't work anymore they deactivated my account and tunefind now want 25 a month to request data just thought I'd post let you know

XML Exchange / Re: Knock Knock Joke
« on: April 22, 2017, 02:45:02 AM »
Hi sorry late reply been going through some stuff,  Awesome work thnxxxxx alot

XML Exchange / Re: Knock Knock Joke
« on: April 16, 2017, 09:49:31 AM »
I just figured out whats happening, its capturing every 2 lines of knock knock joke in my pattern but i just found 1 thats 3 lines,when it gets to that one it starts capturing different after that, thats why my payload comes out little bit wrong i think :bonk

XML Exchange / Re: Knock Knock Joke
« on: April 16, 2017, 09:16:29 AM »
Hey Naiomi Naomi, Love the comedy nest group, ive changed url and pointed it to some adult ones for parties at my house, im into comedy lots, the regex im using works fine to export value and phrase but my regex is also picking up whos there text in some of them, been at it for 3 hours now just thought id ask if you can take a look see what i did wrong this time lol, Otherwise all good ill make do

Heres The Groups For Everyone If want

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<groupCollection open="False" name="comedy nest2">
  <commandGroup open="False" name="Launch yuks2" enabled="True" prefix="" priority="0" requiredProcess="" description="">
    <command id="374" name="Tell me a joke" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="60" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
      <if ifBlockDisabled="False" ifNot="False">
            <params />
              <param>Knock knock ...</param>
              <param>Knock knock call and answer 3</param>
              <param>Knock knock call and answer 3</param>
              <param>Okay Knock knock|Sure Knock knock|you bet Knock knock.|Great idea Knock knock.|If you like. Here's a good one Knock knock.</param>
              <param>Sorry i cant right now try later</param>
      <phrase>Tell me a,Tell me another, I changed my mind</phrase>
      <phrase optional="true">joke</phrase>
    <command id="102" name="confirmation phrases" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
        <params />
      <phrase>Yes please, Okay, Sounds good</phrase>
  <commandGroup open="True" name="Knock knock call and answer 3" enabled="False" prefix="" priority="0" requiredProcess="" description="">
    <command id="309" name="Who's there?" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="60" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
      <phrase>Who's there, Who is there</phrase>
    <command id="307" name="{1} who?" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
          <param>That was hilarious. Do you want to hear another one?|Kids today are such comedians. How about another?|A barrel of laughs that was. Want to hear another?| Would you like to hear another joke?</param>
          <param>more jokes confirmation</param>
      <payloadFromXML phraseOnly="False" use2partPhrase="False" phraseConnector="by" Phrase2wildcard="anyone" optional="False">payloads\knockjokes3.xml</payloadFromXML>
    <command id="337" name="more jokes confirmation" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="True" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
          <param>Tell me a joke</param>
      <event>more jokes confirmation</event>
    <command id="393" name="Disable group on no confirm" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
          <param>No problem.|OK|That's fine.</param>
          <param>Let me know if you change your mind.|But remember that this comedy club is always open.|I'm here when you're ready for more yuks.</param>
          <param>Knock knock call and answer 2</param>
      <event>Confirm.Cancel.more jokes confirmation</event>

Thnxxx alot and i am learning still just stumped at this part

XML Exchange / Re: Knock Knock Joke
« on: April 02, 2017, 10:01:38 AM »
Awesome work as always Naomi and your approach much better, I have been fiddling with this for few days to try do it myself but you perfected it thnxxx and I learn more from you again cheers..  ;)

XML Exchange / Knock Knock Joke
« on: April 01, 2017, 11:29:34 PM »
Hi Ive Made this command to scrape a joke webpage and return knock knock jokes but i cant figure out how i can pause in middle of joke to say whos there and make it pick a random one, so far i put 2 pauses in but am up for suggestions as im lost on what to do next and yous know alot more than i do?any help appreciated..

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="270" name="Knock Knock Joke" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
      <param><![CDATA[ ]]></param>
  <phrase>New Joke Please</phrase>

Version 2 updates / Re: Version Upgrade Problem
« on: March 21, 2017, 10:09:07 PM »
Ok well i didnt try that  because just read yoyr replys but what i did late last night was install again in clean folder copied tcp plugin folder, Deleted tcp plugin folder in my Vox im using restarted it and it now works PERFECTLY as it should   :) :)

Version 2 updates / Re: Version Upgrade Problem
« on: March 21, 2017, 02:23:35 AM »
Thnxx for that info voxwav working great and  voxcommando on pc working perfect except can't enable tcp plugin vox just crashes but I think got something to do with my hardware cos all other versions worked and yea I used tcp plugin web server to communicate with vox when not at home think I need a new pc,anyway thnxxxxx again for great program..

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